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IndoForum Junior A
No. Urut
20 Apr 2006
Nilai reaksi
Bro2 ******ers, bantuin donk buat surat mengenai perbaikan lingkungan di sekitar kita yg ditujukan ke siapa gitu, mungkin pak RT...

Aq cuman minta tolong buat awal2nya aja...

Kalau mau bantu buatin semuanya sih lebih bagus lagi, soalnya aq bingung buat ginian... Tp jgn dimarahin lg ya klo gk mau....

Buatnya gak usah panjang2, sedikit aja... 1 atau 2 paragraf aja gpp

Contoh surat mengenai permohonan peninjauan kembali penutupan tempat bermain skateboard:

Dear *****
Im writing to appeal to the Town council to review the proposal closure of the local skateboard park. Many of my friends and i were very upset to read of the news in a recent newspaper report.

The skateboard park is enjoyed by children and teenagers after school and on weekends. It is also welcomed as a popular pastime on holdays. Along with my friends, i have also made many new friends through going to the park.

Before the park was opened, there were limited places to skate. Consequently, we used our driveways, the roads, footpaths, carparks and shopping centres. Some of these places prohibited skating because of potential danger to both the public and skaters. On the other hand, the park provides a safe place to skate. The ramps, humps and hills are specially designed a lot safer than the homemade variety.

Finally, I hope this letter will prompt other your people to appeal againts the closure of such a popular place in our community.

Yg diatas sudah bagus,mau dibuatin yg gimana lg?
Agak spesifik dunk biar agak mudah dibantu..
i2 contoh, mau dibuatin kurang lebih yg seperti itu.....

buat perbaikan lingkungan gitu d...
misalnya, klo di mks baru2 ini heboh bgt berita revitalisasi karebosi, bisa aja kasih pendapat ttg hal itu....
Dear *****
I am writing in, to appeal to the Town council to review the closure of the local skateboard park. My friends and i were very upset to read the news in a recent newspaper report.

The skateboard park is enjoyed by children and teenagers, especially after school and during the weekends. It is used as a popular hang out place during the holidays. It also place to bound the community especially for me and my friend which meet in when we enjoying park.

Before the park was opened, there were limited places to skate. Consequently, we used our driveways, the roads, footpaths, carparks and shopping centres. Some of these places prohibited skating because of potential danger to both the public and skaters. On the other hand, the park provides a safe place to skate. The ramps, humps and hills are specially designed a lot safer than the homemade variety.

Finally, I hope this letter will prompt other your people to appeal againts the closure of such a popular place in our community.
Dear *****
I am writing in, to appeal to the Town council to review the closure of the local skateboard park. My friends and i were very upset to read the news in a recent newspaper report.

The skateboard park is enjoyed by children and teenagers, especially after school and during the weekends. It is used as a popular hang out place during the holidays. It also place to bound the community especially for me and my friend which meet in when we enjoying park.

Before the park was opened, there were limited places to skate. Consequently, we used our driveways, the roads, footpaths, carparks and shopping centres. Some of these places prohibited skating because of potential danger to both the public and skaters. On the other hand, the park provides a safe place to skate. The ramps, humps and hills are specially designed a lot safer than the homemade variety.

Finally, I hope this letter will prompt other your people to appeal againts the closure of such a popular place in our community.

I think the boy has graduate already


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