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[HELP] tolong translate inggris ke indo dong


IndoForum Newbie D
No. Urut
8 Mei 2007
Nilai reaksi

A player who has recorded the highest score in each class in the Grand Olympiad, a Player vs. Player tournament played among the Noblesse, is conferred the title of Hero. Heroes are awarded exclusive weapons, skills, abilities and a distinct aura.

Hero Abilities

Heroes are able to use weapons provided for their exclusive use. Once selected, weapons cannot be replaced. However, after one month, all weapons are automatically returned and Hero players will be able to select another weapon. The weapons are available from the Monument of Heroes and cannot be dropped, traded, enchanted, and/or destroyed. S Grade spiritshots, soulshots, and arrows are consumed.

Heroes are able to chat in a special channel (%). This chat font color is sky blue and is displayed to all players on the server. Heroes are only able to speak in the global channel once every 10 seconds. It is possible to turn Hero Voice on and off in the chat message options.

The names of Heroes are listed in the commemorative Monument of Heroes in each village.

Hero Skills

Hero skills may be acquired through the Grand Olympiad Manager upon becoming a Hero; however, you cannot use a Hero skill when in subclass status.

Skill Name


Heroic Miracle

Instantly and significantly increases P.Def., M.Def., and resistance to buff canceling attacks as well as increases Speed. Consumes 40 Soul Ores.

Heroic Berserker

Temporarily yet significantly increases Accuracy, P. Atk., M. Atk., Atk. Spd., Casting Spd., Speed, resistance to buff canceling attacks and debuff attacks, and the effects of HP regeneration magic. Significantly decreases P. Def., M. Def., and Evasion while the effect lasts. Consumes 40 Soul Ores.

Heroic Valor

Temporarily yet significantly increases P. Atk., P.Def., and resistance to buff canceling attacks. Consumes 80 Spirit Ores.

Heroic Grandeur

Instantly and significantly decreases nearby enemies' P. Def., M. Def., Evasion, and Shield defense probability, and increases the chance of negating the effects of magical damage, and blocks all physical and magic skill effects. Consumes 80 Spirit Ores.

Heroic Dread

Instantly instills fear into enemies and causes them to flee with increased Speed (momentum). Consumes 80 Spirit Ores.

Gaining Hero Abilities

The Noblesse symbol will appear in Status window when the character is a Noblesse; the Hero symbol displays when the player is a Hero or on stand-by Hero status. The Hero gains Hero abilities when by visiting the Monument of Heroes, not just when the Noblesse has been ranked 1st in the Olympiad.

If an individual who was conferred the title of Hero in a previous phase is awarded the title again, he must first be on stand-by and activate the Hero abilities by visiting the Monument of Heroes again.

Determining the Hero

Following a month-long PvP competition, the Hero is selected according to Olympiad points, and the Hero retains the title throughout the duration of the next month’s competition. The Hero is determined on the first day of every month.

The Hero will be the individual who has accumulated the most Olympiad points according to their main class, has competed more than 9 times in that period, and claimed at least 1 victory. The Hero will be placed in stand-by mode and exclusive abilities and weaponry are removed after the one month period.

For example, even if a player has accumulated the most Olympiad points in the current period, if he has competed less than 9 times or has never claimed a victory, he is ineligible to become a Hero; it is possible that periods may pass without a Hero being designated.

When two players with the same class have accumulated identical Olympiad points, the one who has competed most will be designated Hero.

When there are multiple 1st place winners from each class, the character that has won the most games becomes a Hero. When the number of games won is the same, then the character who has the highest winning percentage becomes a Hero. When Olympiad points, number of wins, and winning percentage are all the same, then there will be no Hero in each class.

Rank Confirmation

All Noblesse have access to the top 10 ranking of the last period’s Olympiad results. Those who have competed on less than four occasions will be excluded from the ranking. In the list, the Olympiad point value, which determines the final standing, will not be revealed. Only the character names are listed on the ranking. In cases where players have accumulated identical points, up to 15 individuals with equal points can be displayed.

Grand Olympiad

The Grand Olympiad is a one-on-one PvP competition held to determine the Hero. It is held in one month periods, and at the end of each period, the Noblesse with the most Olympiad points in each class is appointed Hero. Only Noblesse who have completed the third class transfer can participate in the Olympiad competition.

Competition Method

The Olympiad is classified into two competitions: the class competition and the non-class competition. Only members of a certain class can partake in class competitions. There are no class restrictions for participating in non-class competitions.

Participating in a competition is possible only through the Olympiad Master, and the hours of competition are 6:00 PM CST to 12:00 AM CST (6:00 PM GMT+1 to 12:00 AM GMT+1 on the Teon and Franz servers). No competition requests are taken outside of competition hours.

Competitors will be matched randomly and summoned to the coliseum for competition. Instructions will be regularly provided through system messages, starting 30 seconds before being summoned to the coliseum. The summoned competitors are allotted 60 seconds of preparation time. The coliseum will then transform into a battlefield and the competition will begin.

Before the competition begins, HP, MP, and CP are all recovered and the pre-existing buffs and debuffs will be removed. Any summoned pets will be returned, but the servitors/cubics will accompany the player to the coliseum. When being moved to the Olympiad Stadium in the middle of summoning a servitor or cubic, the skill in use is terminated automatically. The summoner’s buffs will also dissolve before the start of the competition. A buff is provided in games between players of the same class and a Noblesse Gate Pass is rewarded to the winner.

Once transported to the coliseum, if a character abnormally leaves the game, he will lose the competition. If the server goes down while a competition is in progress, the competition will be nullified and the competitors will restart at the villages.

The maximum competition time is 6 minutes, and the player whose HP drops to 0 first will lose. If no victor has emerged at the 6 minute mark, the character who has inflicted the most damage will be determined the winner. The damage inflicted on an opponent's servitor is not considered in this determination.

During the competition, a character whose HP has reached 0 will merely lose the competition, but not die. Upon completion of the competition, the Olympiad point changes will be announced in a system message and the competitors will be returned to the village.

Hero skills and clan skills cannot be used in an Olympiad game.

When an Olympiad match cannot be held due to a lack of combatants, the system will notify you of the game delay with an appropriate message.

When moved to an Olympiad Stadium with the automatic use of Soulshots/Spiritshots or Beast Soulshots/Spiritshots enabled, the automatic use is cancelled.

Olympiad Requirements

Only players in their main classes are able to compete. If the player changes from the main class to a subclass after applying for the competition, he/she will be ineligible to compete.

If the character belongs to a party when summoned to the Coliseum to compete, he/she will automatically withdraw from the party.

Characters with 0 Olympiad points are ineligible to compete.

In the Olympiad competitions, no items other than soulshots, spiritshots, Echo Crystals, energy stones, and firecrackers are allowed. Recall and Party Recall abilities also cannot be used in competition.

Olympiad Points

At the beginning of each Olympiad period, 18 points are equally awarded to all Noblesse, and 3 points each week thereafter. The loser’s Olympiad points are transferred to the winner upon completion of the competition. Competitors are able to check their current point status with the Grand Olympiad Manager.

At the end of competition, if a character has accumulated more than 50 Olympiad points, they can be exchanged for Noblesse Gate Passes. The rate of exchange is 1,000 Noblesse Gate Passes for 1 Olympiad point. For example, while 50 Olympiad points is exchangeable for 50,000 Noblesse Gate Passes, and 49 Olympiad points are not worth any Noblesse Gate Passes.

Noblesse Gate Passes may be used for purchasing items from the Grand Olympiad Manager or while teleporting to various locations via the Gatekeeper.

The following items can be purchased from the Grand Olympiad Manager with Noblesse Gate Passes:

Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S): 420,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A): 195,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B): 84,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S): 63,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A): 23,400 Noblesse Gate Passes
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B): 9,000 Noblesse Gate Passes

Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S): 70,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A): 23,400 Noblesse Gate Passes
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B): 6,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S): 7,000 Noblesse Gate Passes
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A): 3,120 Noblesse Gate Passes
Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B): 960 Noblesse Gate Passes

Secret Book of Giants: 5,500 Noblesse Gate Passes
Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration (Original Version): 450,000 Noblesse Gate Passes

Watching the Grand Olympiad

The Olympiad competitions can be watched with the Grand Olympiad Manager stationed in every village. Players are able to see the venue where the current competition is under way, and the name of the participants.

In the competition spectator mode, the player can view the competitors’ names, HP, CP, and buff status. While watching the competition, the competition window of each competitor can be maximized to show the skills being used and critical hits.

Players are able to watch competitions under way in other coliseums without leaving the current coliseum.

The Return button exits spectator mode. If the spectator mode is interrupted by a server reset or other abnormal conditions, you will begin at the village where you entered the spectator mode.

If a player starts watching a competition after calling a pet, the summon will be dismissed.

There is no charge for watching Olympiad competitions.

pliss help me

A player who has recorded the highest score in each class in the Grand Olympiad, a Player vs. Player tournament played among the Noblesse, is conferred the title of Hero. Heroes are awarded exclusive weapons, skills, abilities and a distinct aura.
(Pemain yang telah menyimpan nilai tertinggi di setiap kelas di dalam Grand Olympiad, Pemain vs Turnamen pemain ini dimainkan antara "The Noblesse", ini yang memiliki gelar Pahlawan. Pahlawan-pahlawan dihadiahi senjata, ilmu, kemampuan dan aura "distinct" yang ekslusif

waduh ini aja dulu yah itu aja ada kata yang aku juga butuh kamus bahasa inggris lagi :*(
thanks y ats translatenya, tapi di tambahin donk tu kan msih banyak.../huh
part by part OK? it's over midnight here...

Pemain yang telah mencatat nilai tinggi pada setiap kelas dalam Grade Olympiad, turnamen pemain lawan pemain yang dimainkan diantara para bangsawan, diberikan gelar “Hero”. Para “Hero” dihadiahkan senjata-senjata eksklusif, ketrampilan, keahlian dan aura tajam.

GRP OK...? /no1
Do u realLy nid help on that?! Or maybe we sud transfer sum bucks so u cud get urself sum dictionary??

Second phrase

Heroes are able to use weapons provided for their exclusive use. Once selected, weapons cannot be replaced. However, after one month, all weapons are automatically returned and Hero players will be able to select another weapon. The weapons are available from the Monument of Heroes and cannot be dropped, traded, enchanted, and/or destroyed. S Grade spiritshots, soulshots, and arrows are consumed.

Para heroes bisa menggunakan senjata yang disediakan untuk kegunaan mereka. Sekali terpakai, senjata tidak bisa diganti. Tetapi setelah satu bulan, senjata secara otomatis akan di kembalikan dan Heroes bisa memilih senjata lain. Senjata2 tersedia di Monument of Heroes dan tidak bisa dijatuhkan, ditukar, dilengkapi dan/atau dihancurkan. Spiritshots tingkat S, soulshots, dan anak panah termasuk...
Part 3, iseng-iseng doang sih :)
Hero Abilities

Heroes are able to use weapons provided for their exclusive use. Once selected, weapons cannot be replaced. However, after one month, all weapons are automatically returned and Hero players will be able to select another weapon. The weapons are available from the Monument of Heroes and cannot be dropped, traded, enchanted, and/or destroyed. S Grade spiritshots, soulshots, and arrows are consumed.

Kemampuan Hero

Hero mempunyai kemapuan untuk menggunakan senjata yang dibuat khusus untuk mereka. setelah dipilih, senjata tidak bisa diganti. Tetapi, setelah satu bulan semua senjata otomatis akan kembali dan Pemain Hero diperbolehkan mengganti Senjata lainnya. Senjatanya(hero) tersedia dari Monument Of Heros dan tidak bisa dijatuhkan, diganti, di-masukan(sesuatu) dan/atau di rusak. S Grade, spiritshots, soulshots dan panah akan terkonsumsi.

Part 4 Iseng-iseng juga
Heroes are able to chat in a special channel . This chat font color is sky blue and is displayed to all players on the server. Heroes are only able to speak in the global channel once every 10 seconds. It is possible to turn Hero Voice on and off in the chat message options.

Hero dapat melakukan Chat di Channel Spesial. Warna dari text adalah Sky Blue dan akan diperlihatkan ke semua pemain di server. Hero hanya dapat berbicara di Global Channel setiap 10 detik. Hero dapat menghidupkan atau mematikan suara didalam Chat Message Options
Hero Abilities

Heroes are able to use weapons provided for their exclusive use. Once selected, weapons cannot be replaced. However, after one month, all weapons are automatically returned and Hero players will be able to select another weapon. The weapons are available from the Monument of Heroes and cannot be dropped, traded, enchanted, and/or destroyed. S Grade spiritshots, soulshots, and arrows are consumed.

Heroes are able to chat in a special channel (%). This chat font color is sky blue and is displayed to all players on the server. Heroes are only able to speak in the global channel once every 10 seconds. It is possible to turn Hero Voice on and off in the chat message options.
Kemampuan Hero

Hero dapat memakai senjata yang ada untuk dipakai. Sekali dipilih, tak dapat digantikan lagi. Tetapi, setelah satu bulan, semua senjata secara otomatis kembali dan Hero dapat memilih senjata yang lainnya. Senjata-senjata tersedia di Monumen Pahlawan dan tak bisa dijatuhkan, dibarter, dikembangkan, dan/atau dihancurkan. Spiritshots, soushots, dan panah kelas S terkonsumsi.

Hero dapat ngobrol di kanal spesial. Warna teks chat adalah biru terang dan ditampilkan kepada semua user di server. Hero hanya dapat berbicara di kanal global sekali setiap 10 detik. Dimungkinkan Hero menyetel dapat berbicara atau tidak pada kanal dalam opsi-opsi pesan chat.
keju mah mikirinnya keju mulu... :)

kok gw jadi males terjemahin ya... :)
begah juga ngeterjemahin nya panjang amat bro, game apaan ini??
^ Another language besides English, then you'lL get infrac from me...^_-
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