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[Game] Let's imagine......What would you do if...

I will fire myself to be a vice president :)

imagine if you don't have a brain
i will borrow it from you :D
lets imagine, what would you do if a zombie come to your house and would eat your brain? rawr!
it's be poisoned! LOL

what if God gives you a free trip to heaven?
i'll ask, am I dead already? /swt/swt=))

what would you do if you were a witch or wizard?
i'll summon the greates monster ever to destroy this world.. /gg

what will you buy if you already have anything ?
I will buy love... wkwkwkwk...

If you suffer a disease without any medicine...
I'll infect it to all you people so I wont be alone :D

what would you do if you melt?
I'd try to stay in cool temperature so I wouldn't be melted

what would you create if you have ability to create something from nothing?
i will create my own world for my sake

what would you do if you can control someone mind?
i will make she loves me....

what would you do if you have a Wife ???
i will give her present

what would you do if you don't have money?
Do some work to gain some :p...

What would u do if u're trapped in remote village without handphono or i-net connection?...
i will do something for ecape from boredom:P

what would you do if you kill someone you love the most/gg
i'll kill myself so we could be the best couple in heaven >:D<>:D<>:D<

what will you do if you're back to the past?
i hope i will never do something wrong and always to be myself in return...

and what will you do if you are a Hitler's Counsellor in Nazi Era ?
I'll make him to love Indonesian Food /gg ....
what would you do if the world were square shaped
I'll go to it's corner and take a photo there

what u gonna do if you got married with a man / woman that you don't like?
I'd kill him and set a deepest grave ever to bury him

what would you do if there are no humans on earth, because their existence is replaced by cyborgs >:)
I'll move out to mars...
what would you do today, if tomorrow you'll die ?
I will pray so i won`t die tomorrow,

what will you do if you want to poop, but you can`t?
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