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Film porno ternyata merupakan penipuan


IndoForum Newbie D
No. Urut
30 Agt 2008
Nilai reaksi
hehe ternyata para pemain film porno g suka seks ternyata. mereka justru ada yang membencinya. ada yg udah koid bro gara2 stress bunuh diri dan penyakit kelamin.
adegannya ternyata dibuat-buat, bahkan ada pemain yang ampe muntah2 abis sooting
koq posting di sini.../hmm
di sini kan tempat share and DL pelem..../swt
haha... salah tempat kaw bro... coba ke lifestyle deh...

ga tau juga sih di post kemana,...

coba aja ke testing arena, biar dibantu momod untuk dipindahin ke tempat yang bener nanti...
ok bos

tapi katanya ngomongin film n yg satunya ygada di TIPI jadinya masuk yg sini aja
Pertanyaan yang lebih serius :

Emang elu tau darimana kalo kondisinya seperti itu? Jadi curiga,..jangan-jangan....:D
rata2 artis profesional memang bikin pelem porno bukan karna suka
tapi karna duit...
yup setuju

coba cari artikel di google "the truth behind the fantasy of porn" :) isinya bagus. Btw, berhenti nonton bokep khususnya buat cowo tuh gampang2 susah ;)
iya.. itu cuman rekayasa kok denger2nya.. dah ada skenario nya.. ^^

jd harus mengikuti skenario..

begitu sih yang gw denger
wah.. kasian juga ya sampe muntah muntah... tak kira senang /heh
kok di lifestyle sih /hmm

kayaknya pernah ada deh itu "the truth behind the fantasy of porn" di IF
iya ni..
ngapain coba kalo mereka gak suka n trus ngelakuin hal yg sama?!?:-/
Loh, ini nilai beritanya apa? kok disini?.... ajaib...

TS membuat MOD and Member if bingung bin ajaib......

pindah2 sub forum, judulnya mengandung nilai berita......

tapi isinya ......... hanya menuntut memberi komentar /swt

pusing aku /hmm

coba ach aku mo cari "the truth behind fantasy porn"
ya, kok post disini yach, jadi debatan mod mau dipindah kemana
nambahin dikit,

sory k'lo yg sy post = repost /heh

The Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn

Shelley Lubben — Former Porn Actress
Dedicated to all the porn actresses who caught HIV, died from drug overdose and committed suicide​

Sex-packed porn films featuring freshly-dyed blondes whose evocative eyes say "I want you" is quite possibly one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Trust me, I know. I did it all the time and I did it for the lust of power and the love of money. I never liked sex. I never wanted sex, and in fact I was more apt to spend time with Jack Daniels than some of the studs I was paid to "fake it" with. That's right, none of us freshly-dyed blondes like doing porn. In fact, we hate it. We hate being touched by strangers who care nothing about us. We hate being degraded with their foul smells and sweaty bodies. Some women hate it so much they can be heard vomiting in the bathroom between scenes. Others can be found outside smoking an endless chain of Marlboro lights…

But the porn industry wants YOU to think we porn actresses love sex. They want you to think we enjoy being degraded by all kinds of repulsive acts. The truth, porn actresses have showed up on the set not knowing about certain requirements and were told by porn producers to do it or leave without being paid. Work or never work again. Yes, we made the choice. Some of us needed the money. But we were manipulated and coerced and even threatened. Some of us caught HIV as a result of that coercion. I personally caught Herpes, a non-curable sexually transmitted disease. Another porn actress went home after a long night of numbing her pain and put a pistol to her head and pulled the trigger. Now she's dead.

It's safe to say most women who turn to porn acting as a money-making enterprise, probably didn't grow up in healthy childhoods either. Indeed, many actresses admit they've experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and neglect by parents. Some were raped by relatives and molested by neighbors. When we were little girls we wanted to play with dollies and be mommies, not have big scary men get on top of us. So we were taught at a young age that sex made us valuable. The same horrible violations we experienced then, we relive as we perform our tricks in front of the camera. And we hate every minute of it. We're traumatized little girls living on anti-depressants, drugs and alcohol acting out our pain in front of you who continue to abuse us.

As we continue to traumatize ourselves by making more adult films, we use more and more drugs and alcohol. We live in constant fear of catching AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Every time there's an HIV scare we race to the nearest clinic for an emergency checkup. Pornographers insist on giving viewers the fantasy sex they demand all the while sacrificing the very ones who make it happen. In other words, no condoms allowed. Herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, and other diseases are the normal anxieties we walk around with daily. We get tested monthly but we know testing isn't prevention. Besides worrying about catching diseases from porn sex, there are other harmful activities we engage in that are also very dangerous. Some of us have had physical tearing and damage to internal body parts.

When porn actresses call it a day and head home we attempt to have normal healthy relationships, but some of our boyfriends get jealous and physically abuse us. So instead we marry our porn directors, while others prefer lesbian relationships. It's a real memory making moment when our daughter accidentally walks out and sees mommy kissing another girl. My daughter will vouch for that one.

On our days off we walk around like zombies with a beer in one hand and a shot of whiskey in the other. We aren't up to cleaning so we live in filth most of the time, or we hire a sweet foreign lady to come in and clean up our mess. Porn actresses aren't the best cooks either. Ordering in is normal for us and most of the time we throw up after we eat because we're bulimic.

For porn actresses who have children, we are the world's worst mothers. We yell and scream and hit our kids for no reason. Most of the time we are intoxicated or high, and our four year olds are the ones picking us up off the floor. When clients come over for sex, we lock our children in their rooms and tell them to be quiet. I used to give my daughter a beeper and tell her to wait at the park until I was finished.
The truth is there is no fantasy in porn. It's all a lie. A closer look into the scenes of a porn star's life will show you a movie that the porn industry doesn't want you to see. The real truth is we porn actresses want to end the shame and trauma of our lives but we can't do it alone. We need you men to fight for our freedom and give us back our honor. We need you to hold us in your strong arms while we sob tears over our deep wounds and begin to heal. We want you throw out our movies and help piece together the shattered fragments of our lives. We need you to pray for us so God will hear and repair our ruined lives.
So don't believe the lie anymore. Porn is nothing more than fake sex and lies on videotape. Trust me, I know.

nambahin source : http://www.shelleylubben.com/index.php?truth=porn

bisa translate disini


eh ternyata da di post cc pinna, disini
Iya juga, itu kan cuma profesi dan tuntutan rumah produksi...
walah semua orang juga tau kalau film porno mah penipuan oh yes oh no apaan tuh hhahahahahaha...kalau yang jepang nah itu ada beberapa yang menghayati hauahuahuahuahuahuahuaa
walah semua orang juga tau kalau film porno mah penipuan oh yes oh no apaan tuh hhahahahahaha...kalau yang jepang nah itu ada beberapa yang menghayati hauahuahuahuahuahuahuaa

kalo yang di bandung bro?.... :-/:-/:-/
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