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English Support's Lounge

Y'all suck
seein' u act makes me say yuck
i say none o' u slimes
can match any o' my rhymes
i bet u can't even tell
that my username is missin' one 'L'
try to beat that,
u shitty-ass rat !!!
hello all my new friends
is there anyone know what the meaning of infringements?
infringement -> pelanggaran
infringements adalah bentuk jamaknya
I've got a question about American English slang:

thier = there/here or both?

example from a friend of mine:
ain't believe thier are heaven

thanks in regard
I've got a question about American English slang:

thier = there/here or both?

example from a friend of mine:
ain't believe thier are heaven

thanks in regard

from the context of the sentence, I'd say..... "there"
it's just a guest, actually I don't really know about it...
hei hei hei,, im new in here..

hope ican learn, n better for my english :)
hi, i'm new in this forum
try to improve my english through this forum
nice to meet u :)
hi, I'm new here and it's my first post. I'm sorry if I make any mistake. I'm Indonesian who live in the US but my English so suck as I'm new here. I'd love to improve my English with you all here.
Anyone knows another english discussion forum on the net, other than this one? I need to keep honing my english but this subforum just grows quieter and quieter everyday....
thier = there/here or both?

It's "they are"....

Not so quiet by the way /gg
there is so much forum like that metallic.
just search what you like ^^
actually I've asked one of my chatting friends who is an English native speaker. "thier" means "there" and "here" depend on the context. She said that Americans had got problem with writing. She also gave me another example, some Americans write "its my book" instead of "it's my book" or "your beautiful" instead of "you're beautiful". (if you find any English mistake, please let me know ^ ^)
Is it a miss spelling? Usually american loves to edit their own language.. /heh
Why do u bold the "common" word?
Any explanation? /hmm
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