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English Support's Lounge

and then "hotel" --> hoteru
"cloud" --> kuraudo
it looks so difficult for them to say "l". right, roverytze2? :D
and then "hotel" --> hoteru
"cloud" --> kuraudo
it looks so difficult for them to say "l". right, roverytze2? :D

sou da, sono toori ^^

and then, they sat "A" still A in our language.. Not "E"
like At... If we: "Et"... and they're: "At"
@pinnacullata : i think it ain't difficult for ya to hear japanese speak english. perhaps it just difficult for ya to understand what they said. :D
^ hahahaha yeah you r rite , its not difficult to hear but hard to understand /no1
Yes, because English is the one of International Language in the world...
So.. all people always to learn it ^^
hi there pinna...

nothing in particular actually..

juz droppin' in today..hehehe...

r u still there?

Juts dropping by,wanna say hepi b'day for pinna (25) =)) =))
Posts with quality,not quantity /no1 /no1

Sorry long time didn't show up,got a trouble with my PC
Posts with quality,not quantity /no1 /no1

Sorry long time didn't show up,got a trouble with my PC

It's okay xi.. Me too xi..
But not with my comp, with the internet access xi..
In my area is too slow xi.. Can you imagine if you downloading the file
with speed about 2~6 kbps >_<

What's up??


I think Andre_666 never visit this thread...


He's never visit English Support..!


Bro, hope not hurt ur feeling.. ^ ^

Peace.. ^ ^

I think you already thought a "weird" thing... wkwkwkwk...

Bcoz, when i saw some thread in J n C, when the story or jokes is in English,
He always want sum1 to translate it... :))

And then, he is (or he was...?? Whatever lha..) the last person i gave GRP that time...

Peace ^ ^
ohoy.. just joining.. :P:P:P:P
any interesting topic/?/?/?
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