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IndoForum Beginner A
No. Urut
23 Mar 2006
Nilai reaksi
hello u guys
i want to ask (litle bit sily)
what is kill'em meaning?
what is em refer to? ist them
kill'em = kill them ??
yeah, kill'em means kill them ...
so it refer to them ist a slang word or a oficial word
ist any other word that use 'em
i never heard help'em

btw thanks for that explaination
Hmm.. I don't know about use'em or help'em. I'm not good at english /heh
/sry /sry
But I know that Kill'em is the same meaning with kill them.
I think you cannot use the words "kill'em" in a formal situation. Maybe it only can be used in an unformal situation. /heh
At last i can browse a lil bit faster now to this forum /heh. Thx for proxying and Mr Admin /heh
Anyway kill'em ==> kill them
It refers to slank language. They usually shorten a sentence just like that. Basically it's all right to use it but don't use it in writing an essay /heh

sory one more question

ist any other word that can be combine with?
combine with kill 'em? there's a lot of words /swt. let's see....
1.kill 'em all
2.let's kill 'em
3.why don't you just kill 'em if you're that pissed?
4.and many more....

well kill 'em is basically the same as don't you = doncha, going to = gonna, what did you call it? = whatchamacallit?, what's up = s'up?, etc. (damn' you americans, you ruined your own language /heh /heh)
sory i meant combine with em

and thanks for ur answer
hmmmm combine with 'em, in other words "another slank with 'em". well, how 'bout this :

1. get'em
2. kiss'em

as you can see, the formula is [verb+'em]. so.... i think you can figure it out yourself. /heh /heh
There are a lot of slank words in here. 'em is one of them. You can combine it just like you use the word them.
Like: i love them ==> i love 'em

Other thing: tho' ==> though

ohhh ic but never heard of it

but thanks for the information

problem solve and close

can close by myself not like ragnarok.cc /heh
Topic is closed
Need help just post ok. Don't be shy^^

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