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Commiting suicide. (offensive to some people, read at your own risk)


IndoForum Beginner E
No. Urut
30 Mei 2006
Nilai reaksi
Here's how it works: you land on a number, thats your suicide. NOTE: I am not a fortune teller, this is just for fun. This will not really be how you die.


00 - Hang myself.
01 - Jump off a bridge
02 - Stands in front of a train.
03 - Shoots myself.
04 - Jumps in a waterfall.
05 - Explodes myself.
06 - Eats poison food.
07 - Goes in a non-vulnerable lake.
08 - Lets me get eaten by a shark.
09 - Eats rat poison.
10 - Hires a hitman to kill me.
11 - Go to Russia and plays roulette.
12 - Gets a shot that eats aways at you.
13 - Smokes.
14 - Drinks.
15 - Takes Neronton.
16 - Becomes overwieght.
17 - Becomes underwieght.
18 - Commits crimes for capital punishment.
19 - Angus diet.
20 - Posts sensor bypasses and porn on GameFAQs.
21 - Jump off a cliff.
22 - Joins navy for suicide.
23 - Goes to ocean and jumps in.
24 - Goes to Niagra lake and ride the falls.
25 - Eats dogfood.
26 - Eats undercooked food.
27 - Eats an old burger (taken from Beavis and Butthead).
28 - Eats at Burger World.
29 - Does careless stunts.
30 - Stands under a tree during a thunderstorm.
31 - Stands under a tree at Tornado alley.
32 - Eats a bomb.
33 - Eats a gun.
34 - Eats poison.
35 - DWI.
35 - DUI.
36 - Jumps in lava.
37 - Drowns in a lake.
38 - Swims in a thunderstorm.
39 - Locked self in a room.
40 - Freezes self.
41 - Burns self with gasoline.
42 - Suicide hotline.
43 - Death.
44 - No suicide.
45 - Tries to put a man in custody.
46 - Becomes a cop.
47 - Locks self in a zoo.
48 - Suicides on MBH.
49 - Stops eating.
50 - Stops breathing.
51 - Overdoes painkillers (ironic)
52 - Joins NASA to jump to Earth from space.
53 - Sneaks on a plane.
54 - Posts porn on a message board.
55 - Becomes a dare devil.
56 - Becomes an escape artist.
57 - Does something that will kill you.
58 - Kills self
59 - Something that is general.

Well, lets ee what I get.
So, what is the function of this number and sentence? I don't get the point :)
Just pick a random number in your mind..
And that's how you'll die.
Hahahhahahah sweet..... But i don't want to die first hahahhaha :D

hu......... :-/

you set it, and give some advice to anyone that wanted to suicide!?/omg

I will say it to KOMNAS HAM /gg /heh /no1 <<< just a joke /heh

maybe you will get hand cuff to all about you said before/gg /no1 << not offence

If this number is set into 99, someone will try to do what the text like :P
Just think of a number, and look at the text. If the number is there. That's how you'll die.
51 - Overdoes painkillers (ironic)
god, damned,,

i,m just thinking about number 9,,,

and can you imagine that??

according to these number,,

it said that , i gonna dead by eating a rat poison,,

hhhahah,, how it can supossed to be,,,

coz, i'm never take a risk with it,,

ahahahh, how poor i am,,,
That means you'll be poisoned by someone. But that's a joke. Leave it ^_~
Drinks??? well...........it's funny but I guess that's a good reason to reduce my drinking........hahaha
i thing you suppose to hide the list

just say "pick a number from 1 to 59 and that's how you'll die"

that's gonna be a nice game /no1
thanks, this helps me a lot. Now i know how to die.
Well, maybe u can help someone to make him/her suicide by picking a random no... Just for refferal though..
man.. Only God know how we dies...

hahahaha... I'm thinking about number 8, because it is my lucky number
guest what? I go to a non vurnerable lake... I don't want to be drowned...
If I am expected to die.. I prefer to die in my sleep...

My Opinion:
when i am ninety years old and above, I'm already have grandchildrens, and a big and nice family... I'm gonna die someday in my sleep, peacefully, and when I woke up, I'm already in "Heaven"I-|
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