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Browsing Di Google Dapet Duit..! Check This Out!


IndoForum Newbie E
No. Urut
30 Mei 2008
Nilai reaksi
Browsing and googling dibayar per valid search??
Yeah right
Tapi ternyata it's true man...
Gue nemuin situs keren -------> mysearhfunds.com, nih situs dari inggris yang awalnya affiliasi sama Ask.com...Tapi entah kenapa sekarang tuh situs kerjasama ama google.com!
Artinya kita bisa searching pake google.com tapi dibayar ama mysearchfunds.com...mantaabs
Kita bakal dibayar lewat paypal, dengan payout £20, pake pounds loh...bukan dollar!!
Cobain aja daftar disini... GRATIS kok, Jd ga ada ruginya..!

Payment Proof

Cara Dapet Duit Lainnya....

Guys ini semacem forum tp kita dibayar!! sekali ngepost kita dibayar sekitar $0.01...
Tp commentnya pake bhs inggris! sekalian blajar deh..:malu:

Minimum cahoutnya 10$ pake paypal

langsung aja klik link disini

Ini ada payment proffnya


Ayo post yg banyak......

Ga lupa juga PTC - Cuman ngeclick dibayar dollar...

Ini 3 dari 4 Besar PTC versi PTCTalk


Info Lebih lanjut Click DISINI
Sekarang udh ganti provider!! Pindah ke yahooo... Ga masalah!! yg penting tetep dibayar!!
Sistem digajinya gmn sih?? PayPal yg kyk di eBay itu khan?? Itu smacm nama bank / apaan? Cr bikin accountny gmn?

mnta PM YM u donx. ane krang jelas, uda join ci. trim's

kmna aja??? lbih spesifik donx penjelasannya. mklum ga pandai2 amat english. sistem gajinya ito. trus bank kn ad 3 opsi dstu, plih opsi yg mna bgusnya + pnjelasan dong om. >_<
linknya ake referral semua...
Gw mau memperkenalkan buat yg belum tau....
Homepages Friends

Intinya kita dibayar kalo search via internet! Ini situs dari inggris yang awalnya bernama MySearchFund & beraffiliasi sama google.co.uk.. Tapi entah kenapa sekarang ini situsnya berubah nama menjadi Homepagesfriends & berkerjasama ama yahoo.com
Tiap hari kita pasti search via internet kan? dan ga pernah dapet apa2 dari situ.. yang dapet duit cuma web search engine-nya (google/yahoo) nah dengan menggunakan Homepages Friends ini kita bisa mendapatkan sebagian keuntungan yang didapat oleh yahoo! Dan ini kita dibayar pake pounds loh...bukan dollar!!

Ini ada sedikit FAQ dari website luar tentang Homepages Friends

Q: How does it work?
A: "homepages friends" is a UK based company, It works by collecting revenue from the sponsored links in the searches you do, every search engine is the same, but only "homepages friends" split the profit with you 50/50. (Firefox works exactly the same way, they get paid by Google for every search you do through Firefox, that’s what pays for all their software developments).

Q: How much can I earn?
A: I do about 11 searches a day and I get about a £0.23 pence a day, (You get paid around 2.09 pence per search) and that’s for doing what I normally do but I just have to change the way I search slightly.

Q: How many members are there?
280,000 members.

Q: When do I get paid?
A: 45 days after the end of the month (minimum £20), they can pay you directly into you Paypal account (fees apply), or by BACS straight into your bank account, I have know reached my cashout limit with Paypal, but they decided to charge me for the transaction, (£1.48 out of £37.56) with hidden fees, so I have cashed out my Paypal account, I would advise you to set it up with your bank account via BACS, now there are so many more members they are falling behind with payments, but they do pay only if a little later than normal.

Q: What do I have to do differently?
A: It is very easy to get used to, basically all you have to do is set the "homepages friends" as a “bookmark” on your browser, not as your homepage, and every time you want to do a search click on your bookmark button, and type what you want into "homepages friends" search bar, after the first time you do this, it remembers the search in a drop down box, just click on the one you want and off you go, try not to go to websites through your bookmarks as you do not get paid for doing it that way, also if you do a search through Yahoo's search results page, you will not get paid for that either.

Q: How do I search with “homepages friends”?
A: Search for what you normally would, try not to do more than 1 searches per 5 minutes to be safe, sometimes 10 minutes, if I can't wait that long I just do the search through Wabba Dabba, this is because there has been a lot of click fraud problems, so leave between 5 - 10 minutes between searches, click on the link you want, try to avoid the sponsored links at the top of the page, as they have started not paying for these, I do about 10 to 15 searches per day, spaced throughout the day, "homepages friends" employ highly sophisticated detection software to flag abuse of the system, even more sophisticated software than before, so searches can be disallowed up to 45 days after you did them, if you take my advice though it shouldn’t be a problem.
When you start using the service, I would start with a low number of searches like 10 and build up gradually to say 20 to 30 per day, I think a maximum daily amount should be no more than 35 - 40, otherwise the system will flag your account and keep an eye on your search habits, I think now they also look at your account on a daily basis, and if you do any searches out of sinc with your other searches they may disallow the odd 1 or 2.

Q: How to earn extra money?
A: If you refer a friend you get 10% of what they earn but the money doesn’t come from their cut of the money it comes from "homepages friends" cut of the money, I will give you an example of how much you can make, say if you did 44 searches a day, you would earn me 10 pence, it doesn't sound a lot but it soon adds up and increases the chance of me breaking the £20 threshold every month, especially for me, as I do very few searches as I am likely to get my account cancelled if I get another "click fraud email".

Oh iya btw karena kita tinggal di Indonesia dan bukan merupakan target utama pemasaran mereka jadi kita ngga dibayar sebesar mereka yang tinggal di UK.. Kalo mereka dibayar 2.00 pence per search kita hanya 1.00 pence per search.. Tapi itu dah gede loh!! Apalagi usahanya ga segitunya..

Terakhir buat yang bilang ini scam gw akhirnya dah bisa buktiin kalo ini bukan scam! Karena akhirnya gw baru sadar kalo gw udh dibayar dari tanggal 16 oktober bulan lalu.. Ini buktinya..


Homepages Friends - Join Now!

eh bro..

bukannya ptc yang lu masukin di atas tuh dah scam semua ??
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