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Bomb blast should not be linked to Islam: FUI


IndoForum Banned
No. Urut
11 Mei 2006
Nilai reaksi
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Secretary General of the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) M Alkhaththath said the JW Marriott bombing incident should not be linked to Muslims and the only recently concluded presidential elections.

"One should not link the bomb blasts to the Muslim community and the recent presidential elections in the country," the FUI secretary general said after a grand prayer here on Sunday.

He said that as a Muslim in Indonesia he had no access to bombing matters, much less to the assembling of bombs or to bomb assemblers.

Therefore, people should not speculate and link the bombing incidents to the Muslim community and the implementation of the recent presidential elections in the country.

Alkhththath said security officers had the responsibility to uncover the mastermind of the bomb attacks on JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels which killed nine people and injured more than 50 others.

"It is the security authorities, intelligence or military who know how to assemble bombs," he said.

The FUI secretary general wondered how people could bring the (explosive) materials into the hotels without being detected by security guards and their sophisticated equipment. They even could spend the night at the hotels while security was usually tight.

He suspected that foreign roles had played in the incident making use of the prevailing rather inconducive situation.

In the meantime, the central executive board of Tarbiyah Islamiyah Organization (PB Tarbiyah) said that resorting to terror was un-Islamic, so that bombimg terrors such as the bomb blasts at the two top hotels here on Friday had no link with Islam whatsoever.

"Islam does not adopt the terror such as bombings," chairman of the PB Tarbiyah, Basri Bermanda, said here on Sunday.

He said that terrorist acts were against Islam but they could be committed by quarters using the label of Islam or by non-Muslims who wanted to tarnish the image of Islam.
Yeah, I agree. So, Why must moslem be blamed? Because, Jewish has hated them and Moslem is Jewish own enemy. So, they used anything to fell down them. And made a conversation with another who hate Moslem too.

Jewish has a lot of wealth to made a capital to destroy Moslem

so, whatever they hate them........
Ah don't relate any kids of terrorism with religions, don't hate someone because his or her religion, but hate them to care hate theme to change them to be good, hate them of what they act, not because what they believe.
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