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Bantuin donkkkkkkkkkk


IndoForum Beginner A
No. Urut
9 Mar 2008
Nilai reaksi
ada yang mau bantuin aq nda ?

dpt grp 3 putaran de...

tolong cariin ost suikoden II lngkap donk kalo bsa versi zip
/sry ngrepotin
Wew /wah Lengkap kk?

Kan ada 4 disk tu /ok

daftarnya ajaa sebanyak ini nih /ok
Disc 1:
* 101 - Opening
* 102 - Name Entry
* 103 - Enemy Attack
* 104 - Suspicion
* 105 - The Will
* 106 - Results
* 107 - Reminiscence
* 108 - Those Who Work Must Eat
* 109 - The First Job
* 110 - The Next Job
* 111 - Are You Gonna Eat That Carrot
* 112 - Escape
* 113 - A Peaceful Mountain Village
* 114 - The Great Street Performers
* 115 - Adventurous Journey
* 116 - Labryrinth ~ PENPE2
* 117 - A Worthy Foe Appears
* 118 - Homesickness
* 119 - Beautiful Morning
* 120 - March of the King
* 121 - Rescue
* 122 - Reminiscence ~ Ensemble Version
* 123 - Children Playing in the Fields
* 124 - Massacre
* 125 - Tension
* 126 - War
* 127 - Collapse
* 128 - Their Star
* 129 - Days Pass

Disc 2 :
* 201 - Amid the Silence
* 202 - Let's Climb That Hill
* 203 - Silent Room
* 204 - Theme of Narcissism, Again
* 205 - Moonlit Night Theme
* 206 - Reconnaissance Mission
* 207 - The Confederation Forever
* 208 - If You Listen Carefully
* 209 - Ah, Beautiful Dancer
* 210 - Nahala Yam Koong
* 211 - Passacaglia with Chorus
* 212 - The Fugue ''Praise be to My Master''
* 213 - Her Sigh
* 214 - Dandy Richmond
* 215 - Softening BGM1
* 216 - Tactics [+]
* 217 - Softening Theme

Disc 3 :
* 101 - Carried on Rippling Waves
* 102 - Every Day is a Carnival
* 103 - We are Number Wuff!
* 104 - 2 Rivers
* 105 - A Busting Town
* 106 - Mi Fairies
* 107 - Mi Fairies (Battle Mode)
* 108 - On a Sunny Day
* 109 - The Vast Sea
* 110 - Point March
* 111 - Rock! Rock!
* 112 - Striking to Your Heart's Content
* 113 - Dancing with Karen
* 114 - Theme of Temptation ~Asian Dub Mix~
* 115 - Bright Curtains, the Cooking Duel
* 116 - Cooking Choices
* 117 - Minute Showdown
* 118 - The Tetsujin Appears
* 119 - Victory
* 120 - Defeat
* 121 - Orizzonte
* 122 - Due Fiumi ~2 Rivers~
* 123 - La mia tristezza
* 124 - Imprisoned Town
* 125 - Ghost Story
* 126 - Pursuit
* 127 - A Prayer to My Mother
* 128 - Softening BGM3
* 129 - Freedom, Again
* 130 - Even Farther
* 131 - Young Heroes
* 132 - Prideful Sarabande
* 133 - A Man Named Gordeau
* 134 - Sacrificial Feast
* 135 - Softening BGM2
* 136 - Ceremony
* 137 - Sedition

Disc 4 :
* 201 - A Song in Praise of Peace
* 202 - The Even More Glorious, Beautiful Golden City
* 203 - Gremio's Special Stew
* 204 - Confrontation with Monsters, Again
* 205 - Distant Skies
* 206 - Secret Village of the Ninja
* 207 - The Chase
* 208 - Mad Luka
* 209 - The Evil One
* 210 - Withered Earth
* 211 - The Outskirts of Tint
* 212 - Gothic Neclord
* 213 - Iron Fist of Anger
* 214 - Requiem of Grief
* 215 - Our Banner Flies
* 216 - The Time for Confrontation
* 217 - Silver Wolf
* 218 - Chant
* 219 - We Will Always Be
* 220 - La passione commuove la storia
* 221 - Victory
Suikoden 2 vol 1


Suikoden 2 vol 2


suikoden 3


Suikoden 4


suikoden 5


tq grp part 1 di kirim........
sbenernya butuh yang II aja tpp gpp de bwt koleksi ^^/thx

@mak anjang
ya gara2 itu gwe capek donload 1-1 baru nyampe 10 dah cape
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