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Anime - The Prince Of Tennis


IndoForum Newbie A
No. Urut
15 Apr 2006
Nilai reaksi
Ada yg nonton The Prince Of Tennis gak?
Aku baru nonton tamat 178 Episod
Kira2 ada lanjutanya gak?
Setahuku The Prince of Tennis tamat sampe episode 178. Maunya sih nonton sampe tamat tapi nggak dapet DVDnya yang full episod. Jadi aku nunggu komiknya aja deh walaupun nyampe jilid 31.
Kayak nya ada Prince of tennis OVA deh. Lanjutan dari prince of tennis sebelumnya. Jadi ceritanya udah di tingkat nasional. Kata temen wa musuhnya jago2. Baru episode 1 sih yg keluar klu ga salah /heh
iya POT OVA baru 1 cd. Ga seru banget nonton yg OVA. Payah banget.
Kalo tunggu dvd super lama. G aja beli dvd 3 season uda itu sisa beli CD nya kalo ga salah 50-60 cd. Huahua
Kalo the movie ada POT - The Twin Samurai.
Di situ ceritanya ada kakaknya ryoma. Seru banget deh.
Ampe kapal pesiar nya tenggelam masi tanding. /heh
Masa sih ! AKu ngak begitu tahu banget sih. Tapi karna di beberapa website lain [maklum suka nyari - nyari wallpaper anime] aku download torrentnya aja. Memorinya sih GEDE banget aku langsung bisa jadi kere deh. Aku juga lihat torrentnya yang khusus untuk The prince Of tennis yang Special dan lihat beberapa OVAnya juga sih tapi error.
Jgn download lah. Beli aja CD nya cuma 5k.
Kalo download lama banget.
Emang sih lama. Tapi ngak mungkin dong aku download di Jakarta, aku minta bantuin kokoku untuk download kalau disini setahun pun ngak kelar. Lagian bagiku enakan DVD aku punya dari episode 1 - 60 dalam 3 DVD harganya 30, tapi ngak jalan 4 episod. LAgian beli filmnya dimana sih ?
The Prince Of Tennis -The Movie (Real)
Uda keluar di jepang. Ayo2 di Indo uda keluar belum yah?
wa pernah baca versi komiknya aja...
mang bagus film na?
Kakoi abis dah si Ryoma, walo berlagak ada skill /no1 itu yang gw suka
gg nya juga keren k orang "mada mada dane" /gg
Kpingin sekali2 bilang gitu :D :D
Gw koleksi anime lengkap, CD semua tapi, yang gak lengkap cuman supersentai.
POT real dah ada kok /gg
Ada yang tau cara pindahin dari CD ke DVD??? Membludak nih barangnya...Help me plizzzz
"Mada mada Dane" =)) =)) =)) (lo lom nonton sih, embat aja harusnya)
POT ova ada 7 episode klo ga sala dan yang keluar vcdnya di indonesia baru yg OVA 1 - the return of prince >.<

semua ova bercerita tentang kejuaraan nasional

klo komiknya saya baru baca sampe chapter 314 >>> ini udah sampe semifinal kejuaraan pertama... single 3 pertandingan pertama...

ada yg tau tempat download manga scannya ? saya dapat dari www.degree-anime.com
ada movienya kan judulnya
Prince of Tennis The Movie : Futari no samurai
itu yang ada kakaknya Ryoma bukan?
yang tanding tennis di atas kapal bkn??
wah lupa
yg tanding di kapal gua pernah nonton uda lama
yg akhirnya kapalnya tenggelam kan
yup itu movienya yang tanding di atas kapal.. antara echizen vs echizen.. heheh
Ada yg Punya POT episode 179-190 gk
klo ada tolong di balas ya
Saya cuma baca komiknya... baru ampe 29, kan, kalo ga salah... (ga tau chapter berapa...)

Movie-nya itu anime juga...? Yang live-actionnya udah pada liat, belum?

Katanya yang jadi Ryoma cewek?! :-O
ada yg punya link rapidsharenya prince of tennis yang episode national/episode 179-190

gw adanya link bittorent..... /swt
lama bet DLnya /sob

klo ada yg link rapid post disini ya thx b4 /thx
Boleh nanya...

Yg episode 170 - 179 tuh critanya gmn/?
ini nieh list episodenya, semoga membantu :D
1 The Prince Appears
2 Samurai Junior
3 The Seigaku Regulars Make Their Debut!
4 The One Named Viper
5 Snake Shot
6 That Man, Nanjiro Echizen
7 Two Ryoma's
8 Split Step
9 The Hard Day
10 Counter Attack! Sasabe Once Again
11 Ryoma vs. Momoshiro!
12 The Two "AH-UN" Boys
13 Men Play Doubles!
14 The Swallow Return
15 Their Respective Fights
16 Boomerang Snake
17 The Small Winning Pose
18 Love Letter
19 Ryoma Is Injured
20 Time Limit
21 Is The Tennis Court Heating Up?
22 Kaoru's Misfourtune
23 Appeared! Inui's Juice Delux!
24 Ryoma's Holiday
25 The Strongest Man In Seigaku (Part One)
26 The Strongest Man In Seigaku (Part Two)
27 Karupin's Adventure
28 A New Regular Appears!
29 Momo And The Viper
30 Mizuki's Scenario
31 Moon Volley
32 Super Move! Eiji's "Pretend to Sleep" Attack
33 Tiebreaker
34 Twist Spin Shot
35 Drive B
36 Syusuke Fuji, The Big Brother
37 Tennis Ball With Ryoma's Face
38 PenalTEA
39 Higuma Otoshi! (A.K.A. Bear Drop!)
40 A Duel In The Rain
41 Trouble
42 Oishi Is Targeted!
43 Lucky Sengoku
44 Jack Knife
45 The Devil On The Court
46 Samurai Spirit
47 Will Not Lose
48 Decisive Moment
49 Different Kind Of Fight
50 Seigaku's Claim To Fame! (A.K.A. Seigaku's Speciality!)
51 Inui's Challenge
52 Seigaku's Biggest Crisis
53 Momo Returns
54 Kaoru's Special Training
55 Hyotei Presses Near
56 Doubles For 3
57 Scud Serve
58 The Worst Compatibility
59 The Hidden Trouble
60 Power vs. Power
61 Duel Of Hadoukyuu
62 The Disappearing Serve
63 The Last Triple Counter
64 Special Tenipuri (Super Soldier; Beware of Snow White?!; Jump Out! Seigaku)
65 Become Seigaku's Pillar Of Support
66 Rondo Towards Destruction
67 The Last Shot
68 The Never Ending Tiebreaker
69 Who Will Be A Regular?
70 Tennis vs. Ping Pong
71 It's A Date!
72 Kaoru Becomes Ryoma
73 Tezuka's Decision
74 A Message For Echizen
75 Farewell, Kunimitsu Tezuka
76 Seigaku vs. Jyousei Shounan
77 The Fight Between The Calm And The Passionate
78 Thunderbolt
79 The I Formation
80 Style Of The Pretender
81 Viper vs. Fake Viper
82 Hanamura's Temptation
83 The Best Masterpiece
84 Deep Impulse
85 The Result Of The Deadly Duel
86 High On Rhythm
87 Tennis Folktale- Prince Detective?! The Prince Of Bowling (Part One)
88 Tennis Folktale- Prince Detective?! The Prince Of Bowling (Part Two)
89 Seigaku, DaDaDaDan!
90 Cheap Housing Beach Volleyball
91 Rokkaku's Freshman Captain
92 The Boy With The Long Racket
93 Dash Hadoukyuu
94 The Secret Plan To Seal Kikumaru
95 Tsubame Gaeshi, Broken!
96 Ryoma, Get Pumped!
97 Finishing Smash
98 The Prince Of Billiards
99 The Cursed Racket
100 Captain Oishi
101 Eat Rikkaidai
102 Mizuki's Whispers
103 Sleepless Night
104 Ryoma vs. Sanada
105 Ryoma Utterly Beaten
106 Let's Go Camping
107 The Captain Appears?!
108 Surprise at Camp
109 Tennis Biathalon
110 Jump, Kabaji!
111 Original Prodigy: Fuji Syuusuke
112 Hadoukyuu vs Scud Serve
113 Atobe the Beautiful
114 Ryoma is Going!
115 Baseball is a Game for Men
116 Seigaku vs Champion Rikkaidai! I'm Going to Win!! (Part One)
117 Seigaku vs Champion Rikkaidai! I'm Going to Win!! (Part Two)
118 Battle Ceremony
119 Tightrope Walking Doubles
120 Kikumaru Was Read By Niou
121 Yagyuu's Decision
122 Inui Hollers
123 Conclusion of the Remembered Game
124 Kirihara's Red Trap
125 Angry Fuji
126 Clash! Ryoma vs. Sanada
127 Invisible Serve
128 Conclusion - Which One Will Win?
129 The Samurai's Ballad
130 We Miss Tezuka
131 Never Give Up
132 The Zany Teni-Puri Family (Children's Day; Continued The Zany Teni-Puri Family)
133 The Best Sushi Chef in Japan
134 My Prince
135 Kikumaru's Summer Vacation
136 Junior Selection Camp, Gather!
137 The Suspicious Member
138 Ryoma vs Kirihara! Beyond Battle Rage
139 Sengoku Kiyosumi, Reborn!
140 Welcome Back, Tezuka Kunimitsu
141 Atobe vs. Sanada: The Ultimate Showdown!
142 The Boy Who Came From America
143 Tezuka's Choice
144 Formation! A Dream Team
145 Ryoma vs Kevin
146 The US Team's Ambition
147 The Most Powerful! Atobe and Sanada
148 Baker's Scenario
149 The Tango Toward Destruction
150 Cool Boy's Doubles
151 Marionette of Sadness
152 Bobby Max The Beast
153 Challenging the Limits
154 The Prodigy Vs Tennis Machine
155 The 1 mm Battle
156 Who Will Play?
157 Delusive Phantom Ball
158 The Long Awaited Game - Ryoma Vs Kevin
159 Illusion
160 Game and Match
161 Run, Momo!
162 The Golden Pair's Memories
163 Kaidoh's Unknown World
164 Seigaku's Shocking Secret Plans
165 The Tenipuri Family Goes to Hawaii?! - Christmas at the Tenipuri's!
166 Seigaku's Speciality, Once More!
167 Eternal Rivals, Momoshiro Vs Kaidoh
168 Ryoma's Decision
169 Wavering Feelings
170 Burn, Echizen!
171 To My Dear Friend...
172 Goodbye Seigaku
173 Samurai New York
174 Tezuka Kunimitsu VS Fuji Shusuke
175 Seriousness of a Third Year
176 Climax
177 Unforgettable Promise
178 Goodbye, Prince
179 Return of the Prince
180 Hot & Cool
181 The Fourth Counter
182 Kikumaru Alone
183 The Longest Summer
184 The Man Called Killer
185 The Prince of Volleyball
186 The Calm Before the Storm
187 Unbreakable Spirit
188 The Short-Lived Match
189 Tezuka Kunimitsu
190 The Two of Us
Special New Year's Special
Special A Day on Survival Mountain
Special New Year's Smash
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