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Anime & Manga Newz [Always Update]


Ga taw HOAX ato Asli..


Casio LUCKY☆STAR EXILIM digital camera
take augmented reality photos with your favourite character ( limited 3.000 pcs )

Buad yang demen foto2 bareng Pasukan Lucky Star..
Kini hadir Kamera Lonely buad mereka yang mengimpikan untuk berfoto bareng Karakter Fav mereka! ^^
Walaupun gak tahu asli apa kagak,,yang penthink ada lanjutannya To-Love Ru.......................................

Buat Kazu,,baiknya kalo ada pic ukuran gede masukin saja ke "spoiler",,kasiant kan kalo yang ngebuka inetnya lambat...............................
Ternyata loe jam segini belon tidur yo....................................:)):)):))


Situs online Yahoo Auctions! Jepang telah menjual tiga suku cadang dan tiga decals dari patung Gundam berskala 1/1, untuk amal seharga 4.001.000 Yen (sekitar 46.900 US$). Lelang berlangsung dari 16 Agustus - 23 Agustus dan berakhir setelah 224 tawaran. Hasil amal tersebut ditujukan untuk Japan Committee "Vaccines for the World's Children."

Bagian plastik yang diperkuat fiberglass dengan lapisan urethane-resin itu dibuat untuk patung setinggi 18 meter yang pernah berdiri di pulau buatan Odaiba Tokyo tahun lalu. Patung itu sekarang berdiri di pusat kota Shizuoka, Jepang, yang merupakan "model capital of the world" dan rumah dari pabrik Bandai untuk Gundam plastic models.

Secara khusus, Bagian A merupakan bagian operasional dari sendi panggul, Bagian B dari ujung kaki, dan Bagian C adalah detail eksterior yang digunakan di seluruh permukaan tubuh. Film decals berwarna bening akrilik tersebut dibuat pada thermal wax printer dan akan digunakan pada lengan bawah dan kaki yang lebih rendah.

Bagian terbesar, Bagian A, panjangnya adalah sekitar 55 sentimeter (21 inci).

Seperti yang dikutip megindo.net dari www.animenewsnetwork.com, suku cadang dari patung Gundam tersebut telah dipajang di Gundam Super Expo, yang berlangsung di Tokyo dari tanggal 10 - 19 Agustus. Set kedua dari suku cadang lainnya akan dilelang pada tanggal 13 September.



Kota Naruto di Prefektur Tokushima menggelar beberapa proyek pada musim panas ini untuk menarik wisatawan yang merupakan fans dari manga Naruto karya Masashi Kishimoto. Salah satu daya tariknya adalah replika dari Hokage Rock, monumen batu ukiran ala Mount Rushmore yang menggambarkan para pemimpin Hidden Leaf Village dalam manganya, yang didirikan di atas sebuah gedung pemerintah daerah. Seperti yang dikutip megindo.net dari www.animenewsnetwork.com, kota Naruto didirikan pada tanggal 15 Maret 1947.

Images © Sankei News
© Masashi Kishimoto

ane juga gitu....
asli ato hoax, asal To Love Ru ma To aru majutsu no index ada kagak masalah dah :))
Satria: The Warriors of the 7 Elements
Itulah judul anime kolaborasi Gonzo dari Jepang dan studio animasi Funcel dan Malaysian National Film Development Corporation. Cerita dari anime ini adalah petualangan Hang Tuah. Jumlah episode ada 26, dan ditujukan untuk anak laki2 Malaysia berusia 7 - 14 tahun.
Sumber : http://www.animenation.net/blog/2010/10/21/gonzo-reveals-new-work/

Winter new version
Mangaka: “My Publisher Has Banned School Uniforms”

Tokyo’s ban on sex in anime, manga and games is not even law yet, but already mangaka are reporting publishers refusing to publish works set in schools or featuring school uniforms, with previously published works even in danger of having their reprints cancelled.

BL mangaka Shouko Takaku complains that her (unidentified, but “unfortunately not small”) publisher told her to stop using school trappings in her manga!

She comments that she expects the industry’s recent decline will only be accelerated by the introduction of the ban. Another BL mangaka, Kanako Meiji, reports her publisher is considering cancelling a reprint of her works.

She compares the political precedent the law represents to Japan’s notorious 1925 “Peace Preservation Law,” a law which began Japan’s lurch towards totalitarianism by imposing a prison sentence of up to 10 years on anyone found guilty of threatening the “national character” of Japan.

Japan’s secret police force subsequently became notorious as “thought police,” and later revisions saw the law expanded to cover more types of thought crime and the right of appeal revoked. Only the American invasion saw them abolished.

Then, just as now, a vaguely worded law allowed authorities to intimidate into silence all those they did not lock up directly – a fate which seems likely to befall all publishers of anime, manga and games in Japan.
An advertisement for the February issue of Kadokawa's Young Ace magazine has revealed that an anime adaptation of Gen Urobuchi and Type-Moon's Fate/Zero novel has been green-lit. Urobuchi, the scenario writer best known for the software from Nitroplus, collaborated with the software studio Type-Moon to write a prequel to Type-Moon's Fate/stay night visual novel software. The story is set a decade before Fate/stay night and reveals the 4th Holy Grail War that sets the stage for the war in the software.

The original Fate/stay night software already inspired a television anime series from Studio DEEN; Geneon Entertainment released that earlier anime in North America.

The February issue of Young Ace will ship on December 29. The artist Shinjirō is launching the manga adaptation of Fate/Zero in this issue.

[Via livedoor, Yaraon!]

Update: More background and story information added.

Update 2: Katsushi Ota, the editor of Kodansha's Faust literary manga magazine, has posted the address for the Fate/zero anime's website via his official Twitter account.

Update 3: Advertising for the sixth volume of Type-Moon Ace confirms that the anime studio ufotable is involved.

Update 4: The sixth volume of Type-Moon Ace lists Ei Aoki (Ga-Rei: Zero, Girls Bravo) as the director. Tomonori Sudou (Coyote Ragtime Show, Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners) and Atsushi Ikariya are adapting the original character designs by novel illustrator Takashi Takeuchi (Fate/stay night, Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners, Tsukihime, Lunar Legend). [Via Seasons of Change, Uri-Sure Matome R]

Image © Nitroplus/Type-Moon

Source : http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-12-21/fate/zero-novel-gets-anime
Top 100 Anime Characters of 2010

A ranking of the top 100 anime characters of 2010 takes on a distinctly fujoshi character, not that this prevents the topspots from being grabbed by the usual moeblobs…

The full ranking, by rag Animage:

The top 10:

1. Yui (K-ON!)

2. Azunyan (K-ON!)

3. Hajime (Hakuouki)

4. Souji (Hakuouki)

5. Toshizou (Hakuouki)

6. Mio (K-ON!)

7. Kazemaru (Inazuma Eleven)

8. Izaya (Durarara!)

9. Shiro (Inazuma Eleven)

10. Ricchan (K-ON!)


Source : sankakucomplex.com

Btw masa angel beats gk da =))=))
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