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A teenager graduates from a college school in just 2 years


IndoForum Junior A
No. Urut
20 Feb 2007
Nilai reaksi
Andrew Brisbin of Denton, Texas, gets his college degree from the University of Texas while his age was only 16 years old. An age where most students have not yet finished their high school diploma. He entered the North Central Texas College when he was only 14 years old and a year later he was transfered to the University of Texas, Austin American-Statesman reported.

Andrew Brisbin fulfilled the requirements of Bachelor degree in finance in just 2 years, he also joined summer school as well as took heavy load of courses. He said that few years younger than his students fellow is not a big deal. "Some of my professors don't know how really old I am", he said. "I fit just fine." William Way, the University McComb School of Business adviser said that Brisbin as "very mature".

Andrew Brisbin was home schooling, to keep his heavy schedule. His parents lived of some time in Austin to help him when he was at the university especially to provide him transportation because he was too young to have a driver's license. He planned to take Graduate degree but he want to get experience of work first.

P.S. I'm practicing English writing intensively to take TOEFL again, any correction is greatly appreciated /no1
Andrew Brisbin was home schooling, to keep his heavy schedule. His parents lived of some time in Austin to help him when he was at the university especially to provide him transportation because he was too young to have a driver's license. He planned to take Graduate degree but he want to get experience of work first.

I think it should be like this :
Andrew Brisbin was taking the home schooling programs,or if you don't used to this type,
Andrew Brisbin was home schooled.

I think it should be like this :
Andrew Brisbin was taking the home schooling programs,or if you don't used to this type,
Andrew Brisbin was home schooled.


yes you're right /no1 thanks for the correction. I forgot it was passive sentence so I should wrote "Andrew Brisbin was home schooled" instead of "Andrew Brisbin was home schooling".
I want to be like that person, just wasting 2 years for college...

what a genius boy...
Being genius not always fun,
but i wish i can be smarter
i've heard about an indonesian that is genius as well
he was going to college at the age of 9
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