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5 Kebiasaan Yang Bisa Membuat Anda Terlihat Tua


IndoForum Beginner A
No. Urut
13 Apr 2006
Nilai reaksi
Produk perawatan wajah anti-aging memang sudah banyak dijual di pasaran. Namun, jika Anda tetap melakukan kebiasaan buruk, semahal apapun produk anti-aging Anda, itu tidak akan memberikan hasil yang signifikan.


Terlihat tua tidak hanya tentang wajah yang berkerut saja, penurunan energi juga merupakan tanda-tanda Anda mengalami penuaan. Ada beberapa kebiasaan sehari-hari yang ternyata bisa menyebabkan Anda terlihat lebih tua dari usia yang sebenarnya. Berikut lima kebiasaan buruk yang dikutip dari sheknows.

1. Makan terlalu banyak
Makan terlalu banyak tentu saja menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap tubuh, hal ini juga berlaku saat memakan buah dan sayuran terlalu banyak. Tidak hanya menambah berat tubuh saja, Anda bisa terkena risiko awal penyakit jantung dan diabetes.
Sebaiknya perhatikan asupan kalori dan lemak dalam tubuh. Jika berolahraga bukanlah pilihan Anda, tips ini bisa menjadi pilihan agar tubuh tetap langsing.

2. Menatap layar terlalu lama
Apakah Anda termasuk orang yang suka berlama-lama menonton televisi, bermain video game atau bekerja di depan komputer? Hati-hati, beberapa hal ini memiliki dampak buruk pada penglihatan (mata Anda lebih juling saat meilihat ke layar komputer), berat badan (terlalu banyak duduk tidak membakar kalori) dan otak (perlu adanya stimulasi aktif pada otak untuk menghindari degenerasi). Oleh karena itu, batasi jumlah pemakaian komputer atau televisi sekarang juga, Anda pun akan segera melihat perbedaannya.

3. Stres
Stres memiliki dampak negatif terhadap semua aspek kesehatan tubuh. Mulai dari efisiensi detak jantung hingga bagaimana otak Anda bereaksi terhadap situasi tertentu. Cara menghindari stres adalah dengan berani berkata tidak. Sebagian besar stres yang dialami berasal dari ketidakmampuan Anda mengambil keputusan. Muka yang murung dan kusam saat stres membuat Anda tampak lebih tua dari usia yang sebenarnya.

4. Kurangnya frekuensi bercinta
Untuk Anda pasangan suami istri, kehidupan seks yang sehat dan aktif adalah kunci utama untuk mempertahankan energi muda. sebuah penelitian menemukan bahwa bercinta terbukti mengurangi stres, meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, mengurangi rasa sakit dan meningkatkan kekuatan jantung.

5. Pemutar musik portable
Kemajuan teknologi memungkikan Anda mendengarkan musik dimanapun. Namun, tahukan Anda mendengarkan musik dengan headset terlalu sering bisa mengakibatkan kerusakan pada kualitas pendengaran. Tidak ada satu hal pun yang membuat Anda merasa lebih tua daripada menyadari bahwa pendengaran Anda sudah lagi tidak maksimal. Sebaiknya batasi pemakaian headset dan jaga volume musik pada tingkat yang nyaman dan aman.
wah ane ada 3 komponen nih yg bikin tuah
nice share gan,... baru tau neh
satu lagi gan yang cukup penting yaitu kurang olahraga...
bisa bikin otot2 jadi kendur dan kerutan di wajah
klo ane ad 2 point d atas tuh brrti yg bikin ane kliatan tua,,

nice inpoh agn,,,L:D
Betul gan...stress bisa menyebabkan cepat tua. Happy always :D
ane suka lama nangkring didepan lepi sama dnger musik pake headset, harus dikurangi nih..
nice info gan..
wah makasi ni buat infina , tapi gua gak keliatan tua tu mang efeknya kapan , kok merokokgak aq?
Product anti-aging skin care is already sold in the market. However, if you keep doing the bad habits, whatever expensive anti-aging products you are, it will not give significant results. not only looks old with wrinkles on the face of it, the energy reduction is also a sign of aging you. There are a few daily habits that could actually cause you to look older than her actual age. Here are five bad habits of Sheknows cited. 1. Eat too much Eat too much, of course, negative impact on the body, this also applies when eating fruits and vegetables too much. Not only add weight, you could be exposed to the risk of early heart disease and diabetes. 'd better watch your intake of calories and fat in the body. If exercising is not your choice, these tips can be an option to keep the body slim. 2. Staring at the screen too long Are you among those who like to linger watching television, playing video games or working at the computer? Be careful, some of these things have a devastating effect on vision (more squint your eyes when meilihat to the computer screen), weight (too much sitting it does not burn calories) and brain (the need for active stimulation of the brain to avoid the degeneration). Therefore, limit the amount of use of a computer or television right now, you will immediately notice the difference. 3. Stress Stress has a negative impact on all aspects of health. From the efficiency of the heart rate to how your brain reacts to certain situations. How to avoid stress is to dare to say no. Most of the stress comes from your inability to take decisions. Face of a gloomy and dull during stress makes you look older than actual age. 4. Lack of sex frequency married couples to your sex life healthy and active is the key to maintaining youthful energy. one study found that the love shown to reduce stress, boost the immune system, reduce pain and improve heart strength. 5. Portable music players possible technological advances you listen to music anywhere. However, do you know listen to music with the headset too often can result in damage to the quality of hearing. There is no single thing that makes you feel older than you are aware that the hearing was again not optimal. Should limit the use of a headset and keep the music volume at a comfortable and safe.

Sumber: 5 Kebiasaan Yang Bisa Membuat Anda Terlihat Tua - IndoForum https://www.forum.or.id/t276229/#ixzz22TuKEHdx
Hak Cipta: Forum IF - Komunitas Online Indonesia - IndoForum

everything of too much is bad for the body... I agree...
Product anti-aging skin care is already sold in the market. However, if you keep doing the bad habits, whatever expensive anti-aging products you are, it will not give significant results. not only looks old with wrinkles on the face of it, the energy reduction is also a sign of aging you. There are a few daily habits that could actually cause you to look older than her actual age. Here are five bad habits of Sheknows cited. 1. Eat too much Eat too much, of course, negative impact on the body, this also applies when eating fruits and vegetables too much. Not only add weight, you could be exposed to the risk of early heart disease and diabetes. 'd better watch your intake of calories and fat in the body. If exercising is not your choice, these tips can be an option to keep the body slim. 2. Staring at the screen too long Are you among those who like to linger watching television, playing video games or working at the computer? Be careful, some of these things have a devastating effect on vision (more squint your eyes when meilihat to the computer screen), weight (too much sitting it does not burn calories) and brain (the need for active stimulation of the brain to avoid the degeneration). Therefore, limit the amount of use of a computer or television right now, you will immediately notice the difference. 3. Stress Stress has a negative impact on all aspects of health. From the efficiency of the heart rate to how your brain reacts to certain situations. How to avoid stress is to dare to say no. Most of the stress comes from your inability to take decisions. Face of a gloomy and dull during stress makes you look older than actual age. 4. Lack of sex frequency married couples to your sex life healthy and active is the key to maintaining youthful energy. one study found that the love shown to reduce stress, boost the immune system, reduce pain and improve heart strength. 5. Portable music players possible technological advances you listen to music anywhere. However, do you know listen to music with the headset too often can result in damage to the quality of hearing. There is no single thing that makes you feel older than you are aware that the hearing was again not optimal. Should limit the use of a headset and keep the music volume at a comfortable and safe.

Sumber: 5 Kebiasaan Yang Bisa Membuat Anda Terlihat Tua - IndoForum https://www.forum.or.id/t276229/#ixzz22TuKEHdx
Hak Cipta: Forum IF - Komunitas Online Indonesia - IndoForum

everything of too much is bad for the body... I agree...
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