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Jual ►►►►►OBRALLL...Berbagai Tutor Photoshop, HARGA MURAH dan BERKUALITAS◄◄◄◄◄


IndoForum Senior A
No. Urut
27 Nov 2007
Nilai reaksi
Buat agan" yang mau jadi master photoshop, sekarang ga perlu susah lagi gan.
Karena di sini tersedia berbagai tutor photoshop untuk pemula sampe yang udah mahir :D

ok deh, langsung aja ke barangnya ya bos :D


Bos mau nawarin lapak baru neh "DVD Photoshop Top Secret", DVD ini cocok banget bagi bos2 sekalian yang mau belajar photoshop secara mandiri. Beda DVD ini dengan DVD tutorial photoshop yang lain adalah di DVD kita ga hanya di beri tutorial saja tetapi juga di ajarin untuk memanipulasi grafik dan belajar untuk membuat spesial efek dengan menggunakan Photoshop. Di luar negeri DVD ini laris banget loh bos.

OK bos ga perlu panjang lebar langsung aja ya ke barangnya :D

DVD ini terdiri dari 5 DVD yang berformat video tutorial jadi tinggal nonton aja bos.

[size=+1]DVD 1[/size]

[size=+1]DVD 2[/size]

[size=+1]DVD 3[/size]

[size=+1]DVD 4[/size]

[size=+1]DVD 5[/size]

[size=+2]Harga 50rb belom termasuk ongkos kirim.

Photoshop CS DOWN Dirty TRICKS​

Photoshop Creative Suite Down & Dirty Tricks


Jika bos2 ingin sekali mahir dalam photoshop dan berkeinginan untuk menciptakan efek2 photoshop yang persis seperti di majalah, tv atau di website yang pernah dilihat maka dvd ini adalah jawabannya. DVD ini menyajikan materi berupa cara2 untuk menciptakan spesial efek yang biasa digunakan oleh kaum professional photoshop, melalui dvd ini bos berkesempatan belajar photoshop secara professional dengan mudah.

Penghargaan yang didapat DVD Photoshop CS DOWN Dirty TRICKS :

Best-selling, awars-winning author Scottt Kelby (Executive Editor of Photoshop Creative Suite Techinuques
newsletter and one of today's hottest Photoshop gurus) unlocks the secrets of the most closely guarded Photoshop
Creative Suite special effects.

DVD ini disajikan secara gamblang dan mudah untuk diikuti serta dengan DVD ini anda akan dengan segera dapat menciptakan semua spesial efek dari photoshop yang anda kira susah sebelumnnya:

Berikut isi dari dvd ini :

1. The latest photographic special effects
2. The tricks pro photographers use to show off their work
3. How to fake studio shots (you'll be amazed at how it's done)
4. The latest cutting-edge type effects
5. How to turn snapshots into works of art
6. The most-requested advertising effects

Plus loads of effects that look hard, but are easy once you
know the secrets

semua dikemas dalam 1 dvd

harga 30rb blm termasuk ongkos kirim

Mark's 101 Totally Awesome Photo Tips


Satu lagi dvd tutorial photoshop yang tidak kalah keren dengan photoshop top secret yang kita tahu sangat terkenal :D
Mark's 101 Totally Awesome Photo Tips Dvd ini berisi bagaimana cara memanipulasi photo dan juga bagaimana memberi efek khusus yang keren pada image dan photo secara professional.

Jadi Anda tidak perlu takut photo yang lama Anda usang :)
karena Anda dapat masih berkreasi dengan photo lama Anda

Berikut materi yang ada dalam dvd ini :

Photo Retouching and Repairing
1. Changing Eye Color
2. Clean up Dust & Lint from scans
3. Digital Face Lift
4. Extracting Background
5. Fix crooked scans
6. Fix Demonic Pet Eye
7. Remove Backgrounds Precisely
8. Remove People out of Photos
9. Remove people Precisely
10. Remove Blemishes
11. Remove Depth from Photos
12. Remove Hot Spots
13. Remove Objects from Photos
14. Remove Red Eye
15. Remove Wrinkles
16. Restore Old Photographs
17. Saturate a Bad JPG Photo
18. Straighten an Image
19. Superimpose People
20. Whiten Teeth

Special Effects
1. Add a Digital Look to Portraits
2. Add Artificial Light
3. Add Lens Flare
4. Add Motion to a Photo
5. Chemical Coloring Effects
6. Color Overlays
7. Color Black & White Photos
8. Create a Photo Collage
9. Create Artistic Images
10. Create Duotones
11. Create Pastel Images
12. Custom Borders using Brushes
13. Dappled Light
14. Dreamy Photo Effects
15. Grid Effects
16. Insert a Photo into a Frame
17. Line Drawing from a Photo
18. Make a Photo look Old
19. Make a Photo look Painted
20. Make People & Pets Look Funny
21. Make People and Objects Glow
22. Match Color from Another Image
23. Mysterious Medieval Look
24. Paste an Image into Text
25. Patterns & Textures
26. Photo Toning Effects
27. Sketching a Portrait
28. Soft lamp; Romantic Photos
29. Stylish Borders
30. Time Warp Effect
31. Torn Edges
32. TV Lines
33. Vignette Photos
34. Water Drops
35. Watercolors

Enhancing and Polishing Images
1. Balance Skin Tones
2. Change the Depth of Field
3. Create a Panoramic Photo
4. Crop Photos
5. Enhance Photos
6. Replace the Sky
7. Sharpen a Photo
8. Smooth Skin

Correcting Exposure and Color
1. Change Color in a Photo
2. Change Color more Precisely.
3. Color Correction
4. Color Hair
5. Enhance Color
6. Fix Underexposed Photos
7. Get Perfect Exposure
8. Match Color Precisely
9. Remove Color Cast
10. Selective Coloring
11. Variations

1. Batch Processing
2. Batch Renaming
3. Brush Tool Secrets
4. Burn Photos on CD (Mac)
5. Burn Photos on CD (PC)
6. Calibrate Your Monitor (Mac)
7. Calibrate Your Monitor (PC)
8. Create Many Size Photos on One Print.
9. Create a Before and After Image
10. Create a Contact Sheet
11. Create a Droplet
12. Create Web Photo Galleries
13. Cutting Edge Layer Techniques
14. E-mail Photos on the Mac
15. E-mail Photos on the PC
16. File Browser Basics
17. Get the Best Quality Scan
18. Create a ?Signature Stamp?
19. Locate Hidden Transformation Handles
20. Navigate Images
21. Prepare Images for a Web Page
22. Resize Images
23. Save Selections
24. Selection Secrets
25. Use Camera Raw
26. Use New Document Presets
27. Use Print Preview
28. Use the Histogram Palette
29. Work with 16bit Images

semua dikemas dalam 1 dvd

Harga 30rb blm termasuk ongkos kirim


joey'l behind the scene the complete tutorial photoshop

I found myself furiously clicking around Photoshop re-editing original photographs pulled from external hard drives, scribbling notes trying to lay out the patterns I worked in, and brewing new techniques wild eyed and maniacal. All of this while trying to stay awake and keep my voice calm and normal while I narrated and recorded it all in the middle of the night.

The result of months (maybe years? Who knows! I lost track of time) of this came out much cleaner and bigger than I had thought and turned into this tutorial that I’m quite proud of. I’m offering the knowledge of my techniques to you to better your own craft, whether it be to add that new-aged edgy look to your professional work or simply to bring something fresh to the results of your hobby. Check it out...

In this package containing 2 hours of material, you will find:
-Behind the scenes footage from many unique photo shoots covering an array of concepts and lighting situations, including detailed diagrams of the light set ups and props. Both studio lighting and simple techniques using standard reflectors are used

-Narrated live screen capture of the editing process, describing in detail all my techniques step by step and how you can do them yourself. Even my granny can follow along, but I am confident there is something for everyone to learn.

-Each technique is broken into individual lessons and within the lessons there are different example pictures. This makes sure that you fully understand the range the technique has to offer on individual photographs

-A library of custom high resolution (12.7 mega pixel) grunge textures you can use in your own photos- kracks, aged paper, metallic scratches and abrasions, and some other gross stuff I can’t even identify! (But it sure looks neat). There are over 50 textures on the disk, and you can use them for whatever you desire.

-Photoshop-loadable actions in which you can ‘play’ on your own pictures and follow along step by step as my preloaded techniques are applied to your photos





-Specialized RAW Conversion Techniques - blend many different variations of the same raw file / picture to get ‘manual’ HDR effects you control.

-Levels and Curves - learn how I use (and positively abuse) these lightness and darkness tools together to their fullest capability.

-Multiply techniques - learn how to get the “Joey L signature look” to obtain a muddy, dark yet vivid tonal range in your own images

-Dodge / Burn - see how I use these tools to enhance certain areas of my pictures, and special tips I’ve come across by trial and error

-Soft Light Techniques - how to obtain edgy, ‘embossed’ looks on your photographs that make them pop out of the screen

-Grunge - the best ways to apply textures, scratches and other dirty elements to your images and blend them in with precision

-Rescue - save and rescue a ‘bad take’ or mistake you can’t afford to have. Examples such as swapping peoples heads from different pictures, expanding the cut off area of a photo, etc.

-Tilt / Shift effect - learn how to get a realistic ‘tilt shift’ lens blur effect in Photoshop without having to buy one / manual focus

-Quick Masks - how to make realistic selections to influence light and dark values, manually controlling the look of an otherwise flat image

-Cooking Your Own Textures- yup, I kid you not! How you can bake up your own textures in the oven to use in your grungey photographs

semuanya dikemas dalam 1 dvd



Harga 25rb blm termasuk ongkos kirim


ini bos produk baru :) buat bos yg suka berkreasi dengan photoshop :D

Advanced Photoshop CS Creative Techniques

We hava been begging Stephen Burns to show us some of his advanced
training on Photoshop CS2 and he has finally had time.
With this video Stephen tackles CS2 and the new tool set as well as HDR
images. This video is more than 6 hours of advanced comprehensive

The tutorial starts teaching perspective, texturing, and grouping. Then
Stephen moves into creating the city, lighting FX, creating custom brushes,
smoke and adding HDR imaging.

Learn to create amazing digital artwork from Stephen Burns. Whether your a
2D or 3D artists this video on Photoshop CS2 will take your skills to a new
level giving you new techniques and tools to use on your next project.



semua dikemas dalam 1 dvd lengkap

ayo bos tunggu apa lagi, buruan order sekarang juga bos :D

harga 30rb blm termasuk ongkos kirim


mau tampilan web yang keren? ini bos solusinya :D

Total Training Online Adobe CS3 Web Design, tutorial ini mengajarkan bagaimana
membuat tampilan web dengan CS3 yang keren banget bos.

langsung aja bos ke contentnya :)

1. Exploring the Assets in Adobe Bridge
2. Exploring the CS3 Applications

1. Working in Live Trace
2. Working in Live Paint
3. Using Live Trace on Photos
4. Working with Live Color
5. Saving for the Web

1. Setting Layout Size & Guide Lines
2. Dividing Sections by Color
3. Creating the Header
4. Creating the Navigation Bar
5. Designing the Flash Messaging Area
6. Inserting & Modifying Text
7. Adding a Shadow Effect
8. Adding Thumbnail Images
9. Formatting Thumbnail Text
10. Adding a Video Placeholder
11. Creating the Sidebar
12. Creating the Footer
13. Designing the Inside Pages
14. Making Mock Mouse Over Behaviors

1. Opening Photoshop Files in Fireworks
2. Adding Hotspots to a Layout
3. Slicing Images & Setting Slice Properties
4. Adding Button Rollover Effects
5. Creating Pop-up Menus
6. Optimizing Images & Exporting HTML
7. Batch Processing Images in Fireworks

1. Setting Up a Site
2. Building a Homepage Layout in Dreamweaver
3. Modifying the CSS Document
4. Bringing the Photoshop Layout into Dreamweaver
5. Inserting Page Sections
6. Modifying Subfeatures
7. Modifying the Video Player
8. Modifying the Sidebar
9. Modifying the Footer
10. Tweaking the CSS
11. Resolving CSS Issues
12. Laying Out the Inside Page in Dreamweaver
13. Creating Page Templates

Lesson 6: MOBILE & PRINT CONTENT (34 min)
1. Previewing Content on Mobile Devices & Printers
2. Rendering CSS Styles in Dreamweaver
3. Working with the Print Layout
4. Creating Mobile Friendly Style Sheets
5. Tweaking the Style Sheets

1. Modifying a Photoshop File for Flash
2. Importing the Photoshop File
3. Modifying the Flash Document
4. Animating the Banner
5. Adding a Blur Eect to the Animation
6. Lengthening & Staggering Layers
7. Adding Interactivity
8. Adding ActionScript
9. Adding Actions to the Button
10. Publishing the File

1. Encoding Video with Flash Video Encoder
2. More Flash Video Encoding Settings
3. Inserting Flash Video into Web Pages
4. Building a Simple Video Player
5. Add Buttons & Content Paths to the Player
6. Publishing, Inserting & Modifying the Player
7. Using an Illustrator File to Mask Video

1. Creating a Slideshow in Photoshop
2. Creating a Slideshow in Fireworks
3. Creating a Slideshow in Dreamweaver
4. Creating a Slideshow in Flash

Lesson 10: USING CONTRIBUTE (22 min)
1. Setting Up a Web Server on a Mac
2. Setting Up a Web Server on a PC
3. Connecting to a Site in Contribute
4. Editing Web Pages in Contribute
5. Collaborating between Dreamweaver & Contribute
6. Final Comments & Credits

semua dikemas dalam 1 dvd

ayo bos tunggu apa lagi, order sekarang juga bos :D

harga 30rb blm termasuk ongkos kirim

Media DVD yang digunakan adalah VERBATIM, TDK dan Maxell. Tergantung stok yang tersedia :D
jadi agan" gak perlu ragu soal kualitasnya :D

Untuk pemesanan bisa Kontak ke
HP : 0815-355-6663 SMS ONLY

NB: Mohon konfirmasi setelah pembayaran

Mohon kerjasamanya ya bos saya juga jualan di sini mau bener2 ga mau pake tipu menipu :)
Buat bos" yang butuh referensi testi :D

Terima kasih Boss :) ...

Beberapa hari yg lalu udah diterima paket 5DVD-nya. Terbungkus rapi, DVD-nya MAXELL dan yg hebat boss ini sabar banget ngingetin gue via YM... karena gue lupa melulu mau transfer ke dia.

BTW Ada jualan lain?

bagus nih.... RECOMMENDED SELLER deh... bos ada barang apa lagi nih... sehari barang sampei gak nunggu lama. Thx yah...

Barangnya dah nyampe bos, kemaren, tapi blom gw coba...
Packagingnya rapi, recommended seller deh...

Thanks ya bos...

Barang sudah diterima tepat waktu dan sangat berguna... hehehe. Thanks bos. ditunggu product2 lainnya...

bos nii testy lgsg meluncur... baru ngomong td mw isi sekarang lgsg gw isi.. cepet kaaan?? yaa itu sesuai kaya tanggepan lw yang cepet juga bos :D sekarang berkat lw gw jadi cepet jago photoshop hehehe smwuanya serba cepet deh...

lgsg ketik REG(spasi)ORDER ke sms : 0815-3556663


thx boss makasihh mantap bgt dvd nya .. kaga perlu kursus.. tgl bny explore n latihan aje... awkakwkawkwk ::Jumpy::

"mogulemon berkata:
thx ya barangnya udah terkirim ke gw di bandung, dvd yang digunakan juga bagus (verbatim). sip pokoknya, gak takut dvdnya gampang rusak.

buat temen2 yang mau pesen, pesen ke bos ini aja oke, gw pribadi transfer uangnya hari ini en besok barangnya udah nyampe. dikirim pake tiki, jadinya cepet.

mengenai dvd nya sendiri (photoshop top secret) liat iklannya aja udah bikin ngiler, soalnya teknik yang diajarkan emang bener2 TOP ABIS (pengajarnya kualitas professional internasional) asiklah, recommended 200% buat yang suka manipulasi foto pake photoshop, gak rugi beli dvd ini.

jualanya OK .. barang nggak perlu lama nunggu

mo ngasih testi....
TS jualannya oke...
barang sampe dalam 1 hari setelah transfer..

bro barangnya ud di terima ma temen gw tuh.. sip deh beli ma bos ini.. orgnya ramah.. barangnya kmaren telat ma tikinya aj. lansung di perhatiiin terus..

thanks ya bos. next time order lagi.

gl bro jualnya

gue dah beli dari dia, makasi bro, semua dvd bisa jalan, lengkap, bagus lagi dvdnya, kapan2 mesen yang lain lagi ok !

allow bos gw yang hari minggu pm lo di ym...
dvd nya udah sampe kemaren...
thanks boss... mantap..
sukses bro..

cuma mo kasi testimo aja kalo service-nya istimewa .. cuma dilanjut dengan sms-an trus gw transfer via atm .. ehhh besoknya barang udah keterima via tiki .. thx ya .. kabari gw lagi kalo ada yang baru-baru ok !

salam dari bandung,

oke boz tengkyu, kiriman dah sampe , gw yang alamtnya di cilandak

yeah...just a little testimonial from me...

baru selesai semua neh nontonya.huahuahauhau

btw...hasilnya memuaskan...gk ada cacat...Perfect bos.
huahuauha...good luck yah...
n...kalo bisa ..tambahin lg yg laen......


Bos..da terima kiriman terbungkus rapi, gambar bagus & jernih...

tengs ye bro...harga murah barang bagus..klo ada list lo yg gue minat, gue pasti pesen lage...


barang sudah sampe... keren, bro.
thx a lot.


bantuin nyundul

lapor paket kirimannya baru nyampe nih bos...
thanks ya

tq ya kk...

makasi atas dvd na ^^

mudah2an Laku keras ...


wahh...bro yang satu ini memang maknyussss....walopun sdikit bermasalah di bagian transfer :hammer::hammer: (OB TOLOL) ...tapi dgn kerendahan hati bos ini masih melayani dgn baik..sampe2 lupa ongkir aja barang udh sampe...
isi tut's nya yahud2 ...ga nyesel dah klo mesen...

THX BRO...good luck :beer::beer::beer:

Aku uda terima barangnya. dan jalan semuanya. Thks. :lol:

yup servisnya bagus trus barangnya cpt nyampe TOP deh

testimonial buat boss nih, thanks buat dvd photoshop secretsnya. minggu lalu gue pesen 3 biji,
satu buat gue, satu buat damienov satu lagi buat temen kantor gue,
sampai disini dengan selamat. cheers boss, moga2 makin laku :)

thanks ya Boss, paketnya sudah saya terima
cepet banget nyampenya ..

keren abizz
gara2 ini jadi begadang dech .. mulai ngutak-ngutik ...

Hi bos

Thanks saya baru dapat DVD Photoshop Top Secret

Terima Kasih Hormat saya


thanx bos,:clap:

barangnya ok, cma kmrn krna bad address, ngirimnya jdi terlambat
tapi gpp kok bagus kok servicenya sreg

good luck:cheers:

Isinya keren2, pesanan langsung diantar dan juga langsung nyampe.
pokoknya sip dah, komplit dari bikin manusia bersayap sampe buat orb !!

Worth it Lah gampangnya

Cayo bos

thx brur barang ud sampe.

bos .. brgnya udah sampe :D cepet abis nyampenya :D
ehehe tengkyu yah bos..
aniwey brgnya tambahinnnn !!!! yang baru2 dan langka2 gituh :D


Walau sempet khawatir karena sms konfirmasi saya ga langsung dibales, ternyata barang sampe dalam 2 hari kerja setelah transfer. ( soalnya saya sempet trauma belanja di internet...suka diboongin).
Panduan yang hebat bro. Nice tutorial deh, bener2 cool...mantabs...dll. Pokoknya ga nyesel.dapetin tutorialnya.
Thanx ya bro!!!:clap:


Dadan Supardan

bos, paket rahasianya udah sampe dgn slamat di bekasi kemaren slasa..
rapi bgt bos paketnya.. sip deh ah!
cuma emg jauh aja si ya bos, jd ongkirnya lumayan.. hehehehe.. :Peace:
blm diliat smua si bos, moga2 lancar smua ya, baru nonton dvd1...

ternyata barang da nyampe siang ini
belon di coba siy,
trims bos

Paket baru diterima...


dah trima! TOP MARKOTOP!

Aku udah beli dari nie orang..
Aku transfer Rp.75.000,- langsung dikirim

Aku transfer pada tgl 06 February 2008
tgl 08 February udah nyampe..waaaa senengnya....

Thx bos... pertama aku ragukan dikau, ternyata engkau penjual yg jujur dan cepat..
Fast n Cheap hahahahhaha...

Bos, makasih ya dvdny uda nyampe! Keren banget! Hoho..
Thanx again... :D :D
 URL Pendek:

