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Hasil Pencarian

  1. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Yo Momma!!

    Iy, klo sering ntn gampang tu...
  2. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Teka-teki Pertama

    Seinget gw ga ada d... Bknny itu perayaan pake bunga sakura y?
  3. d4rk_13l1t2er

    tebak2 kan by w4rr10r

    I kan :D? (ga nyampe 10 char...)
  4. d4rk_13l1t2er

    tebak2 kan by w4rr10r

    Jerman itu, gw yg mecahin d thread sblmny...
  5. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Area 56

    Jd mirip sector 7 yg ada d transformers XD
  6. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Detektif Detektifan yuk!! ^^

    Gpp, santai aja... :D
  7. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Teka-Teki Gamfang

    Org jerman y?
  8. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Teka-Teki Gamfang

    He2, lama ga online, enak jg jd banyak tebak2an gini XD...
  9. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Detektif Detektifan yuk!! ^^

    Aduh gw ketinggalan kasus bagus gr2 bbrp hari ga online TT. Minta kasus lg donk kk :D!
  10. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Teka-Teki Gamfang

    The 3 Musketeers :D?
  11. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Albanians in Indo Forum? its true!

    First n last? Cute...
  12. d4rk_13l1t2er

    English Pop Quiz!

    Well, honestly, i can't :D. English language is all about harmony in sounds. For me, the first rule of english-in-learning, if it sounds good, then it's 100% correct. But i'm not that sure either :D. Maybe calvin can give a hand on this problem?
  13. d4rk_13l1t2er

    English Pop Quiz!

    1. down 2. up 3. off 4. on 5. on?
  14. d4rk_13l1t2er

    English Support's Lounge

    That's another problem... U see, we've got loads of threads here discussing bout lots of different things, that's why ppl don' think it's necessary to post here, coz they can just go directly to the thread they need...
  15. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Teka-Teki Gamfang

    1. menghadap ke bawah 2. yang dilihat y lantai 3. org yg jatuh k lantai (ga yakin bwt yg satu ini)
  16. d4rk_13l1t2er

    Bahayanya menggunakan HP dalam Pesawat

    Skrg kn emank ud ada bbrp pesawat yg dpasangin alat utk itu, jd ga perlu matiin hp laptop dkk dlm pesawat, tp pesawat ttp aman2 aja... Klo digital camera c, kyqny ga ngaruh d, kn ga mengeluarkan sinyal...
  17. d4rk_13l1t2er

    English Support's Lounge

    My bad, I'm just pointing out what's been bothering me bout this subforum, didn't mean to make u down, buddy... Yea, single question, anyone can make this eng lounge a bit lively (n how)? Any suggestion n help appreciated.
  18. d4rk_13l1t2er

    How To Read???

    Yea, we post 'em in how an indo supposed to read them (w/ indo pronounciation) while calvin post 'em in how they're supposed to be spelled in eng...
  19. d4rk_13l1t2er

    English Support's Lounge

    Just keep n keep tryin, lots of us have wasted our time tryin to make this lounge as lively as possible. Threads on jokes n riddles only went well for a week or two, ain't got much improvement from back then... Hope all those guys (who used to try) can return here n fight together for this eng...
  20. d4rk_13l1t2er

    How To Read???

    Ah, guess I missed a letter, big deal.

