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Konten Terbaru oleh Miracles

  1. Miracles

    American Jokes...

    from Fallout 3 the game... " I once heard there was a crematorium which gave discount to burn victims"
  2. Miracles

    English Debating !!

    Prostitutes are not sex slave I mean they do get paid for their services. But the complication arises when you have human trafficking victims being forced to the prostitution industry. That is modern slavery. So instead of pointing the gun at the prostitutes the govt should instead deal as...
  3. Miracles

    Let's have some fun with localized superhero names

    The idea is to localize superhero names! Let's get started. Let me go first(multiple entries from different posters allowed), Superman= Suparman Batman= Budiman Spiderman= Supratman Ironman= Iroma
  4. Miracles

    Who is you favorite fictional leader character?

    And just who is the leader of the Matrix? The architect? Neo himself? Or Morpheus? Morpheus is not bad imo :)
  5. Miracles

    Dicari 12 Gold Saint (sanctuary chapter)

    Maaf Parisyah saya ngga punya sama sekali. Saya ngga ngumpulin. Kenapa ngga cari satu-satu aja dulu. Di Kelapa Gading Bolevard seberang mall ada toko mainan namanya Multi Toys. Disitu masih cukup banyak Action figure Saint Seiya Bandai. 12 Gold saint juga ada tetapi udah dipajang di lemari...
  6. Miracles

    Dicari 12 Gold Saint (sanctuary chapter)

    Wah 12 12nya bisa 6 juta tuh klo beli baru. Aku saranin juga beli appendixnya banyak membantu penampilan gold saint biar lebih sesuai dengan di filmnya. (Appendix itu armor dan kepala baru dari pinggang sampai kepala katanya)
  7. Miracles

    Fail The Wish

    But you can't even walk I wish nothing at all
  8. Miracles

    Action Figure 4 Sale!!!!

    sanjuro ada Medicom Darth Vader ngga?
  9. Miracles

    Professions with your words

    Hacker: electronic space trespasser. In short: e-space trespasser.
  10. Miracles

    Professions with your words

    Singer or professional singer: Someone who speaks melody into words and gets paid for it. Or Someone who is paid for speaking melody into words.
  11. Miracles

    anjing gue kaga galak sama sekali gimana nih?

    Wah bener gue jadi galakan setelah trauma siksaan jangka panjang waks. :D Bisa gigit orang gue. Tapi harus yang ce cantik.....ehehehheheheheheh
  12. Miracles

    brothers and sisters...gw mau tanya dong..

    Yha layak diterima kembali tidak apa2 jika ingin kembali lagi. Tuhan menerima mengapa kita manusia mempersoalkan yang bukan hamba kita. Cara paling halus dan sekaligus paling baik adalah kesaksian hidup kita. Bahwa orang tersebut melihat bhawa selama kita hidup kita benra2 memiliki Allah...
  13. Miracles

    Professions with your words

    Freelancer:'Mercenary' employee Is that catchy enough? This also can do I think, a more oriental description Freelancer: 'Ninja*' employee (*Ninja Medieval Japanese professional blade for hire with no permanent allegiance to any Warlord)
  14. Miracles

    Feels poetic? write here!

    Walk among the clouds Men of faith walk among the clouds. They struggle with the lions but they hold their ground fast. Even when the odds are against them. Some say they are foolish, but they are only fighting the good fight. Fighting for what they believe is right. Because faith is...
  15. Miracles

    Feels poetic? write here!

    The Jewel of men The jewel of men does not lie in his body because it will wither, The jewel of men does not lie in his looks because it will fade away, The jewel of men does not lie in his guts because it will wane, The jewel of men does not lie in his wits because it will fail, The jewel...

