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Politik Osama Ancam Bunuh Semua Warga AS


IndoForum Junior B
No. Urut
11 Nov 2007
Nilai reaksi
DUBAI - Pemimpin jaringan internasional Al Qaeda Osama Bin Laden kembali merilis rekaman terbaru. Kali ini rekaman berisikan suara orang yang diduga Osama itu menyatakan, ancaman untuk membunuh semua warga Amerika Serikat (AS).

Bin Laden mengancam akan membunuh semua warga AS yang berhasil ditangkap oleh pihak Al Qaeda. Hal ini akan dilakukannya jika AS menghukum mati Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, yang dianggap sebagai otak penyerangan 11 September 2001 di New York yang menewaskan ribuan Jiwa. Demikian diberitakan Al Jazeera, Kamis (25/3/2010).

Masih belum jelas apakah rekaman tersebut asli atau tidak. Rekaman ancaman yang ditengarai berisi suara Osama Bin Laden memang acapkali dirilis. Rekaman terakhir dikeluarkan pada Januari lalu.

Saat itu rekaman suara yang diakui sebagai Osama Bin Laden, memberikan peringatan kepada Presiden Amerika Serikat Barack Obama akan serangan baru ke Amerika Serikat.

Dalam Rekaman audio yang disiarkan melalui stasiun televisi Al Jazeera tersebut, Osama menyebutkan jika rakyat AS tidak akan hidup damai sampai adanya keamanan di Palestina. Osama juga mengklaim jika Al Qaeda di balik upaya peledakan pesawat AS pada 25 Desember lalu yang gagal.

Belum ada tanggapan dari pihak Gedung Putih atas rekaman terbaru dari Osama bin Laden ini

Bin Laden warns US not to kill 9/11 mastermind

Osama bin Laden has warned that Al-Qaeda will kill Americans if the mastermind of the 2001 attacks on the United States, Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, is executed, in a tape Al-Jazeera television aired Thursday.

"The White House has declared its wish to execute (Sheikh Mohammed and his co-accused). The day the United States takes such a decision, it would be also taking the decision that any of you falling into our hands will be executed," bin Laden said in the audio message.

The Al-Qaeda chief said US President Barack Obama was "still walking in the footsteps" of his predecessor, George W. Bush, by escalating the war in Afghanistan.

Bin Laden also condemned Obama for "oppressing our prisoners that you are holding, beginning with the mujahid (holy warrior) hero Khaled al-Sheikh Mohammed."

US politicians, he added in the audiotape, had "oppressed us and still do, especially by backing Israel, which occupies the land of Palestine."

The US-based IntelCenter monitoring service said in a statement that the tape "appears to be authentic."​

"Bin Laden's specific threat serves as a valid indicator of an increased threat of kidnappings targeting Americans in the immediate period and following through the Khaled Sheikh Mohammed trial in the US," IntelCenter warned.

The Kuwaiti-born Sheikh Mohammed is being held in Guantanamo Bay and was subjected to repeated water-boarding, a now banned interrogation technique that simulates drowning, after his 2003 arrest in Pakistan.

He told a military tribunal in 2008 that he did not "want to waste time" and would plead guilty to the terror charges.

The United States is just weeks away from a landmark decision on whether to try Sheikh Mohammed and his four alleged co-conspirators in a civilian federal court or in a military tribunal.

The Obama administration had announced it would put them on trial at a courthouse in New York, just steps from where the World Trade Center that collapsed in the 2001 attacks had stood.

But the plans have met a backlash from Republican lawmakers who introduced legislation to require a military trial, throwing a challenge to Obama months ahead of mid-term elections in November.

Obama made bringing Sheikh Mohammed to a civilian trial a centrepiece of a broader plan to end what he saw as serious abuses of law in the time of Bush and his powerful vice president Dick Cheney.

Bin Laden's latest statement was his first since he issued two in January, one of them claiming responsibility for the botched Christmas Day bombing of a US airliner and vowing further strikes on American targets.

Bin Laden also referred to US support for Israel in the January message.

"God willing, our attacks against you will continue as long as you maintain your support to Israel," he said.

"America should not dream of security until we enjoy it as a reality in Palestine," added the Saudi-born militant who has a 50-million-dollar bounty on his head.

In the other tape released in January, bin Laden blamed major industrial nations for climate change, a statement the US State Department said showed that the Al Qaeda chief was struggling to stay relevant.



Khalid Sheik Mohammad is an al Qaeda suspect who has claimed responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks. On March 1, 2003, Mohammed was arrested in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, and transferred to U.S. custody. In September 2006, he "was among 14 prisoners identified by U.S. authorities as 'high-value' terrorism suspects and transferred" to Guantanamo from "secret CIA prisons abroad.

[size=+2]Claims of terrorist acts[/size]

Khalid Sheik Mohammad "admitted a key role in 31 attacks carried out or planned by" Al Qaeda, including the following:

*"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z"
*"'I was the military operational commander for all foreign operations around the world,' under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, Mohammed said in a statement read to a March 10 tribunal at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by a U.S. military officer acting as his personal representative."
*Beheading of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped and killed in Pakistan in 2002.
*Nightclub bombing in Bali, Indonesia.
*Attempting "to down two American airplanes using shoe bombs".

hmm,mengerikan juga ya.....................
org ga salah koq diteror................
btw tsnya koq dp??
aaaaaahhhhh.......!! Gagal PertamaX

bah, bang osama jgn warga ASnya tapi bagian Intelejennya aja /gg
kan warganya ga semuanya buruk zzzzz......
hmm,mengerikan juga ya.....................
org ga salah koq diteror................
btw tsnya koq dp??

yoi dp, soalnya panjang sih itu post.. :-?
lagian beda bahasa, kalau disatukan tar malah mabok bacanya... /heh

mod, maklum yaaa ;;)
dah suruh militer as basmi tuh teroris..kalo gak diteror trus../heh
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