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[WWE] John Cena ==> Suka / Benci??

John Cena==> Love Him or Hate Him

  • Suka dong.. Dia new Iconnya WWE

    Suara: 33 60,0%
  • Sangat benci ama John cena.. Skillnya monton, dll

    Suara: 10 18,2%
  • Bodo amat! ngapain nonton WWE..

    Suara: 12 21,8%

  • Total suara


IndoForum Beginner B
No. Urut
22 Mar 2006
Nilai reaksi
Gw liat banyak Pro dan kontra terhadapa penampilan John Cena di WWE.
Gw sering nanya ke orang tentang masalah ini. Dan 100% org aw WWE yang gw tanya, sangat suka John Cena.
Sedangkan orang yang sudah ahli dalam WWE masih Pro dan Kontra ama John Cena, ada yang suka ada yang ngak.
Gimana dengan kalian. Jangan lupa alesannya.
nih gw ada ariktel ttg Jon Cena

Why Is Cena Getting Booed?

I think that everybody has to notice, including the WWE, that John Cena is getting booed more and more. It is happening at the recent ppvs as well as the weekly RAWs. I know I was one of the fans at home last night that was disappointed (or booed) that Cena retained the title. One big reason why I believe the fans are booing Cena is they are simply tired of him. When was the last time a face held the title for such a lengthy period of time?

You have to go back to the days of Diesel, Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan for lengthy face title runs. In this day and age, with monthly ppvs and a weekly program, the champs are over exposed and become stale with the fans more quickly. It is bad enough when a heel does it like the recent reigns of JBL and Triple H, but the fans are supposed to boo those guys. The WWE probably thought they were simply getting booed a great deal because JBL and Triple H were such great heels. I do think these two are great heels, however, I think it was more that the fans grew tired of seeing the same guys being champs all the time. When you do this with a face, you are only setting him up to get booed. There is also the idea of it always being more interested in seeing the faces chase a heel a champion. Considering all this, you may ask, what about Batista?

Well, I’m one that would like to see him lose it as well because of what I stated above. However Batista has lost fewer fans than Cena since their title wins simply because of their characters. Cena’s appeal is more to the kids and teenagers growing up on hip hop while Batista has more of a balanced appeal as a face. Fans of all ages can get into his quiet Goldberg-like character spiced with his sarcastic type of humor. With Cena though, the WWE is thinking they are back in the 80s, where most fans are the kids and teenagers. However, when you see the fans in the stands at the arenas, there are definitely more adults than kids out there. Cena’s character has also kind of gone soft so to speak. It kind of happened to the Rock as well awhile back. When Rock was intermittently coming back as a face after being gone for awhile filming his first movie or two the fans were not into him as much. He still made fun of other wrestlers but his act became formulated and not as hard-edged – see feud with Lesnar and the RAW anniversary special. When he tried to be a heel in his feud with Goldberg, he started getting that support back again. He was singing funny songs, ripping on cities and most fans could not help but enjoy his antics. It is that “cool hard edge” that fans enjoy and that is why he actually got as much cheers as Goldberg if not more in their little feud. I believe if Cena got more nasty, even kind of turning tweener or heel he would regain some support or respect so to speak. He was a little more vicious last night when beating up on Masters and I thought I noticed he was looking to the crowd to see what kind of reaction he was getting. Cena’s character has been kind of similar to the Rock in that his funny but mean promos giving him that “cool hard edge” is what turned him from heel to face to begin with. Now, he has become less mean and by doing so less funny and cool to the fans with a more toned-down a formulated character. I believe this formulated character has also led to a formulated unskilled wrestling style.

Since becoming a face, Cena’s wrestling skills haven’t had a chance to grow. He is doing a formulated unskilled wrestling style in the ring and most fans today appreciate good wrestlers more than bad ones – see Benoit, Angle, HBK, and even Triple H. Seeing Cena using more variety of moves (even like that STF last night) will help get him over with the fans as most simply don’t have respect for him as a World Champion. Cena has the repertoire as he has shown in the OVW and his early WWE days, but was probably informed to wrestle a more formulated style because the WWE thinks the fans like faces that do the same repeated spots in the ring. I believe his recent wrestling style is a product of the WWE believing they know what they audience wants and this is the real problem.

The WWE think they know what the fans want by giving us these lengthy face title reigns, a hip hop gimmick appealing to mostly kids, and formulated unskilled wrestling styles. When you combine all of this, I believe you get the real reasons of why Cena is currently getting booed.

by Adam Veltri ..
Nih ada lagi

John Cena: You Can’t See Him

I've been a wrestling fan for about six or seven years now and I've seen many unbelievable wrestlers in my lifetime. With that said, I wish to speak my mind about a certain wrestler in my first article for Obsessed With Wrestling. If you're a fan of John Cena, I would recommend you hit the back button and read another article. This is simply my opinion and how I truly feel about John Cena. This article is to simply to open people's eyes so you can see him.

When I watched RAW at home in my room and I heard John Cena's music fill the arena, I grabbed the remote and for the first time while watching RAW, I changed the channel. I knew what was coming from John Cena, because I watched SmackDown every now and then. I hoped that he would stay on SmackDown because that was where he was getting all the teenage viewers, but don't come to RAW! He has ruined RAW, just like he ruined the WWE Heavyweight Championship with his poor microphone skills and his few wrestling maneuvers.

People are starting to say that he is starting to get bigger than The Rock. Let me tell you, he needs a lot more work on the microphone in order to surpass The Great One. When he starts to make fun of people, it reminds me of being back in elementary school where we called each other "stupid head." Isn't he supposed to be a rapper? Than how come all the cheap insults and poor rhyming skills that are coming out of his mouth? Someone needs to get him the "Rapping Dictionary" and show him what rhymes he could use on his next album, then maybe it would sell more and it would go bronze. I'd rather have Vanilla Ice come back and join up with G-Unit, than to see Cena walk around with the WWE title.

The F-U? What kind of finishing move is that? He has beaten a lot of people with that move and it is simply a standing fireman's carry! That is even worse than The People's Elbow and the Hogan Leg Drop! When you see Cena get in the ring, you know what to expect from him. Here is a list of his moves; punches, kicks, the spinning out powerbomb, 5-knuckle shuffle, shoulder tackle, and then the F-U. Is he even worth the trouble of watching? He only needed to do half of those moves in order to beat JBL at WM 20. That is sad, because JBL should've beaten him and had the WWE Title, instead of Cena doing three moves and winning it.

I understand why the WWE has pushed him to go so far. They needed a white man to become a rapper, because that is what society has become today. Everyone is not being themselves anymore and John Cena is the greatest example. He wasn't poor or living in the ghetto. He says he came from the stands, but he was sitting in the front row. Shelton Benjamin had it four times as worse than John Cena, but you don't see Shelton getting any pity do you? I know it is all planned out for him to be a rapper and do make an album, but he has taken it too far.

by James Rican ..
gwe ga seneng2 amat seh ma johN cena... gwe mah suka banget ama boogey man ahahahahhaha /gg /heh
Ak malah suka bgt ma John Cena :D .... sip dah ...!!! Dia kan g pernah main Curang g kaya si Edge /e1 . najiz lah si Edge ...... trus apa² mesti John Cena di keroyok trus . ato di serang dari belakang ma Edge ma yg lainnya .... /e1
Kalo aku sih kurang suka yah ma John Cena..,,..

gaya smackdown nya aj yg gw kagak suka....;;) ;;)

badan sangar
skill jago
ga bacot
Hay smua ,sebenernya ak jarang nonton sih .Aku juga suka John Cena . Dia badannya kekar yah ! Tapi ak juga gak setuju sama Edge itu . Dia sukanya main licik .
edge = banci lemah ga 6pack
Main Jujur

Cinta Damai



Jago bgt

Baik ama fans

Trendsetternya WWE

Pokoke John Cena paling OK
Hay smua ,sebenernya ak jarang nonton sih .Aku juga suka John Cena . Dia badannya kekar yah ! Tapi ak juga gak setuju sama Edge itu . Dia sukanya main licik .
aku juga suka john cena.. ihihih..... soalnya maenya bersih sih...
gw sih suka" aja.. asal jgn spirit squad ato king booker or wtf his name..
sapa suka edge angkat tangannn !!
edge = banci lemah ga 6pack
Ga six pack gmn liat nih fotonya..

emang skarang dah ngak sebagus ini tapi masih ada kok 6 packnya

sapa suka edge angkat tangannn !!

Gw biasa aja ama Edge tapi gw respect ama Edge
foto kapan tuh ?? gw lagi liat nih gila lemak doang

kotaknya ga bentuk

maksdu ga bentuk ga kayak cena gituu

ada lemaknya masian
Nah alasan gw ngak suka John Cena adalah

1. WWE Over push John Cena
Knapa John Cena keliatan Keren? salah satunya adalah karena "dia menang terus" dan kalaupun kalah biasanya karena dicurangi.. Sedikit konyol menurut gw.
Kembali ke masa lalu kita liat The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels dan bahkan yang baru2 ini Batista. Gw liat mereka berjuang keras untuk mempertahankan gelar mereka. Tidak seperti John Cena
John cena keren karena para Heel yang selama ini dia lawan adalah Heel yang sangat hebat (Triple H, Edge, JBL). Hebat dalam arti mereka memerankan peran jahat mereka dengan sangat hebat. Bisa membuat mereka dibenci oleh para penonton (dengan berbagai cara spt main licik, pengecut, dll) dan membuat John Cena keren di mata penonton.

2. Unskill, No Improve & Boring
Nah yang kedua. John Cena dalam bertanding selama ini skillnya hanya itu2 aja. Setiap Wrestler pasti punya moves andalannya masing2 biasanya jurus itu disebut moves of doom. Dan John Cena punya "5 moves of doom", yaitu FU, STFU, 5 knuckle shuffle,Protoplex, jumping shoulder block. Dan akhir2 ini udah bertambah seperti fisherman suplex dan bbrp jurus lain. Gw udah bisa tebak dari awal sampe akhir jurus apa yang bakal John Cena gunakan. Itu semua karena John Jena ngak punya Improvisasi dalam bertarung. Makanya John Cena jadi membosankan dalam bertanding.

3. Always Single Match
Gw jarang banget liat John Cena tanding selain di Single Match (Single match dalam arti ngak ada match yang bisa d bilang "Gila"), Kalaupun di match lain tapi ngak pernah extreme. Apa dia ngak berani berdarah? Coba liat d Vengeace di "Extreme Lumber Jack Match" saat dia Vs Sabu (idola gw :D ). Gw berharap adanya pertandingan berdarah dan kemenangan yang keren dan yang ada di bayangan gw John Cena dengan kepala yang penuh darah pin Sabu atau sebaliknya. Tapi yang gw liat ternyata John Cena yang menang dengan STFU :-O :-O .
Atau juga di Unforgiven kemarin di TLC match melawan Edge. Dimana dengan "Gagah berani" bibanting dari tangga yang tinggi ke atas 2 meja. Dan bukan hanya itu saja, dia juga kehilangan rekor Undefeated di TLC match.
Atas dasar itu gw bisa bilang Edge adalah Heel yang HEBAT.

Dan juga berbagai alasan lain gw bisa bilang John cena bukalah Juara sejati..
Sejelek-jeleknya John Cena toh dia udah main terbaru film The Marine sebagai aktor utamanya sedangkan edge disitu-situ aja, John nyusul Kane main film kalo Dwayne Johnson jgn tanya lagi udah banyak film doi....:D
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