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[WARN]Bakteri pemakan daging


IndoForum Junior E
No. Urut
12 Apr 2006
Nilai reaksi
warn buat all!! ati2 jaga kebersihan!! ada yg namanya bakteri pemakan daging

In 2005 someone combined the picture and text quoted in the "Example" box above with an existing video clip that seemingly shows maggot-like creatures being removed by forceps from a woman's infected breast, and in November 2005 we began seeing versions that claimed the patient had developed her condition due to the flooding of New Orleans caused by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005
My aunt, Head Nurse at Tulane Memorial hospital in New Orleans Louisiana sent me this email. The attached video is that of a female patient who, due to the flooding of her home wore the same clothes for days. The contamination in the water was so bad she first broke out with a rash on her breast and then she had a lump on her breast and she popped it and puss excreted from the lump. After treating it herself for days she finally went to seek medical attention and when she did they found serious infection! They later sedated the patient and found that these insects were within the fatty tissues of her breast and within the milk producing glands (sorry not a TRUE medic), she is also 3 months pregnant! And to think, we though Rita was bad on us! If you pay attention you can see them moving in and out, gross, but one of the issues they are now dealing with in New Orleans with patients.
This is a genuine video, but it has no connection to Hurricane Katrina. It shows the treatment of a Nigerian patient with breast lesions and multiple sinuses containing Tumbu fly larvae. (Fourteen separate larvae were eventually extracted from the breast.) The authors of a 2004 medical journal article on the case noted at the time that only "one case has been reported in the English literature."

nih videonya:
busett.. banyak amat sampe buat 3 thread(gallery, health, lounge) buat kasih tau cerita lama ini..
ini hoax btw.. digital manipulation katanya..
begitu ya? tapi kok di videonya kayak beneran/hmm
adu jadi malu/wah
video itu beneran keknya.. tp bukan karena BH..
gw pernah baca artikel ttg nyamuk, di afrika, lukanya mirip ama yg kek di video itu, ada parasit yang idup didalem punggungnya..
kayaknya artikelnya ke campur2 deh gw benerin doloe
zzzzz swt... mergered aja threadnya di Forum Kesehatan...
namanya jg gw kaget, tanpa gw sadari dah di 3 forum/heh
untung blm semuanya/gg
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