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Visual Novel

sundul gan
tolongin donk t.t
da lama' dl 1.2 gb
tapi ga ngerti

wah mantep~
setelah di forum tetangga SF VN di lock jadi 500 post+ uda lama ga VN
eh nemu ini
tapi ini threadnya da gak ke urus bang
gada tanggepan
bingung ini file kira-kira mau kemanain
sayang dl lama' t.t
request fulfilled...

Soul Link[Navel]


Elements: Action, Horror, Mystery, SciFi
Sexual content: Sexual content
Gameplay: ADV
Plot: Branching
Place/Time: Earth, Future
english version

In AD 2045, a group of military cadets, attending the preparatory course of the Central Military Academy, proceeded for training aboard the space station Aries. Within this group of cadets were Ryota Aizawa and his classmates including Sayaka Nagase and Kazuhiko Nitta. The situation went sour when a terrorist group called "Jararacas" took over the station. While the military successfully evacuated the station, Ryota and his group were trapped aboard. Worse still, the boarding assault left most of the military forces dead, effectively leaving the cadets on their own.

An unexpected twist occurs when a mysterious virus was released within the station, gaining control of almost all personnel and turning them into mindless creatures in the process. This forced everyone, friend and foe alike, to find a way out of the station alive.


fell free to request again...

dah download semua tapi yang Soul Link.part05 - Indowebster.com ternyata udah DEAD (>,<) boleh upload lg dunk
gan ane uda donlod kira2 dan uda diekstrak.. tapi waktu jalanin crack error system arc gtu.. gmn nie???? tolongingin dong :dead:
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