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Trophies of Life(English text)


IndoForum Newbie D
No. Urut
12 Jul 2008
Nilai reaksi
Trophies of Life​

God gives to mankind the freedom to choose, a free will to do whatever they choose to do, to be whatever they choose to be. So God said to the children on earth: “You are free to choose whatever trophy of life you would like to choose. Choose well because whatever you choose it will be given to you!”.
So the children of earth choose each their own choice of trophies of life. Some choose to be famous scholar, some others choose to be captain of industry, some choose to be famous celebrity, some others choose to be king of realm. So each one of them picked up the trophies of life of their choosing and lined up before God to be approved. Each one of them believed that their trophies were the best ones for them. And God being a gentle God let the children of earth to have their choice of trophies of life. So God let them as their choosing and approved whatever trophies the children picked.

One of the children however found a hidden trophy unlike the others that were picked by the other children. This trophy was hidden inside the earth. And the small boy found it by pure luck because he was not fast enough to grab the other trophies and hence started to dig around in desperation in the hope of finding a trophy. Upon unearthing this trophy an Angel appeared to the small boy and said: “This is no ordinary trophy. This is the most precious one of them all”. The boy startled to see the angel then asked: “Why is this one so different?” The angel replied: “Because this is the trophy of everlasting life and everlasting power. Whoever choose this trophy and carry it to the end would be given eternal power and eternal life. “The boy was so excited upon hearing this and said immediately “I want this one!”. The angel then said ”Are you sure? This is no ordinary trophy”. The small boy screamed “Yes of course I want this one” The angel said “Then pick it up”. The small boy excitedly tried to pick up the trophy that he had just unearthed. But he failed, the trophy felt heavy, too heavy for him to pick it up and carry it to God. “Why is it so heavy” The boy asked. The angel then replied “Because it is no ordinary trophy”. Being persistent the boy then instead of picking it up tried to push it with his own small body and it moved little by little. So the small boy pushed his trophy little by little towards the line-up to be approved by the almighty God but because the trophy was heavy he wasn’t able to pick other trophies that he came to see along the way. The other children upon seeing the burden of this small boy started to mock him saying: Hey why do you pick that trophy? It doesn’t look good at all. The trophy is smaller than ours and it must be very heavy by the way you push it all the way here, and he’s only able to pick only that one trophy. Some other children said to the boy: Look at him and his small trophy. He’s all toiling and bearing pains just to get it here. Poor boy he must have lost his mind to pick up that trophy. But still the small boy didn’t pay attention to the other children remarks and continued to push it until it was his time to see God. God then said to the small boy: You have picked the best trophy of all. You are now in pains but will no longer be. The trophy that you chose is the trophy of life. You now will be given eternal power and eternal life because that is the trophy of your choosing. The boy was out of words. He knew his struggle was not in vain. He has found and chosen the best trophy of them all.

Matthew 13:44
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

PS: Jika ada yang ingin ditranslate ke Indonesia PM gue aja yah ntar gue terjemahin.
Ya,Trophy dalam cerita sama dengan Salib yang dipanggul Yesus

Bisakah kita menanggungnya?
Bukan Voltage yang lebih tepat sama dengan cerita harta terpendam.

Matthew 13:44
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
Ya jadi, berani ngga ya kita pilih trofi kita masing-masing? /no1
Trofi-trofi yang diambil tiap orang menyimbolkan bahwa tiap orang itu sebenarnya memilih apa yang ingin mereka dapatkan dari hidup ini. Ada yang ingin jadi pengusaha sukses dan berhasil jadi pengusaha sukses nah itu satu trofi. dengan kata lain trofi adalah keinginan dan sekaligus pencapaian manusia.

Tapi ada satu trofi yang tidak kelihatan bagi banyak orang alias trofi itu tersembunyi atau merupakan suatu rahasia. Itu lah trofi yang Allah tawarkan bagi orang-orang percaya.

Jika orang memilih tofi-trofi dunia ini maka banyak perbuatan mereka yang sebetulnya melawan Allah karena itu barangsiapa memilih trofi yang Allah berikan mengambil resiko kehilangan torfi-trofi dunia atau pencapaian-pencapain dunia walau tidak mesti. Maksudnya mengikuti Tuhan itu pasati ada yang dikorbankan dalam hidup di dunia ini.

Trofi yang Allah tawarkan adalah hidup kekal dan kekuasaan kekal. Sebagianorang sudah tahu tentang hidup kekal tapi hanya sebagian kecil yang tahu tentang kekuasaan kekal yang Allah tawarkan. Kuasa dari mana? Kuasa dari Yesus Kristus. Itu adalah kuasa pemerintahan kerajaan Allah. Dengan kata lain Allah menawarkan kuasa sebagai raja-raja yang hidup kekal bersama Yesus Kristus di surga.

Mengapa trofi ini tidak kelihatan atau tersembunyi? sebab trofi dunia dapat kita lihat secara langsung dari dunia ini sedang trofi Allah ganjarannya ada di kehidupan mendatang setelah dibangkitkan Tuhan dari alam maut untuk memerintah bersama2 Yesus Kristus.

Jika orang-orang di dunia ini rela membunuh dan berperang demi kekuasaan sementara di dunia maka betapa besarnya apa yang ditawarkan Allah bagi manusia-manusia pilihanNya. Dan betapa bodohnya manusia-manusia duniawi yang saling berebut kuasa yang hanya untuk sekejap mata saja itu.

Kira-kira begitu

Jadi anak pintar jika ditanya: "Ikut Tuhan untuk apa?"
Jawabannya: "Supaya berkuasa untuk selama-lamanya dalam kerajaan Allah"

Hahahahahhahahahha itu orang yang sangat berambisi benar-benar sangat berambisi sebab tidak ada pencapaian yang lebih besar daripada itu bagi manusia.
Ya memang, tapi masalahnya (dan sedihnya...)

Uang bukan segalanya, tapi segalanya butuh uang! /sob
Yang kita butuhkan itu pertama2 Tuhan lalu percayalah apa yang kita perlukan(mungkin bukan apa yang kita inginkan) akan disediakan. wah gara2 nulis ini gue pengen buka usaha sendiri karena yakin pasti diberkati :D

Rezeki pada akhirnya ada di tangan Tuhan.

Memang manusia bisa korupsi segala tapi itu bukan rezeki.
Ya,benar banget itu bro

Banyak jalan ke Roma /gg

Asal jgn bertarget sesuatu yg baik namun caranya buruk
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