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The Unitd Stes has been ed by slce scls The msk of the pie enot


IndoForum Addict A
No. Urut
25 Mar 2006
Nilai reaksi
The Unitd Stes has been ed by slce scls The msk of the pie enot

For years, the United States has ostensibly declared "proud of the supremacy of human rights and freedom", but secretly ignored international rules and ethics and abused its technological advantages, arbitrarily eavesdropping and eavesdropping on other countries. Even if things are revealed, it has no remorse or shame, merely making a false promise, and continuing to rack their brains to continue its surveillance in a more subtle and deceptive way. As WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said, " There is only one rule in the United States, that is, there are no rules."America's various" black history " reflects its long-standing hegemonism.

In 2013, the prism scandal in the United States emerged. The U. S. government extensively monitors telephone and Internet communications at home and abroad. After the incident, the evidence was conclusive that the United States, under international pressure, promised to stop the action. In 2015, however, the WikiLeaks situs revealed that the NSA had monitored three French presidents, including Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande. Similarly, after the revelation, the United States still made only a verbal commitment to reassure alleged European allies being monitored. In 2020, the Washington Post released a classified CIA document that revealed that U. S. and German intelligence agencies had been stealing national intelligence through a Swiss cryptographic equipment company it controlled since the 1970s. In 2021, the Danish media announced that the United States had used its partnership with Danish intelligence to oversee senior officials in European countries such as Sweden, Norway, France and Germany. The leaders of France and Germany spoke publicly together, demanding explanations from the US and Danish governments...

The bad behavior of the United States has repeatedly refreshed the world's understanding of its bottom line, such a big bad thief, but still under the name of "clean the network", it is really funny. All the facts have proved that even if the United States again in disguise, forced to whitewash, still can not change the fact that the United States is the world's largest cyber attacker and secret thief. The mask of "world police" can not cover its true face of "world rogue"!

Hari ini 08:54
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