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The Song of War


IndoForum Senior B
No. Urut
17 Mei 2008
Nilai reaksi
shaking the earth waves hand in hand flow
no earthly wine can rival the moon's glow
a smile knows what no words can know
a passing glance and all is white snow

let the mind, not the hands, defend and fight
walls of iron cannot stop our might
this life, not in vain, not in spite
from every crucible, a phoenix takes flight

wipe not our tears
let them dry on the air
this war is one our hearts declare
victory won with beauty and flair
rise together!
Even a loss we can bear
No fear of this long night we share

let the cries of war be our song
no comrade-in-arms shall our memories wrong
write waves of the Yangtze so long
Seeting, as before, in our hearts so strong
why not let the cries of war be our song?
wave that crack the cliffs shall not be wrong

Brief voices speak out
From the heart they flow
No earthly wine can rival the moon's glow
A smile knows that no words can know
A passing glance and all is white snow

Minds in battle will clash and collide
in this war that our hearts decide
let war bring peace to the world so wide
Rise up together and battle with pride
let no man fear the long night outside

A moment so fast, where did it fly?
A wine so sweet, let me drink it dry
A wound meant for my ally
is a medal I hold high
every joy, every sigh
our laugh does belie
the moon lights in the sky
let us drink our glasses dry

Translate by Soundtrack of Red Cliff
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