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IndoForum Activist C
No. Urut
27 Mei 2006
Nilai reaksi

Distinctive features common to both rugby games include the oval ball and the ban on passing the ball forwards, so that players can gain ground only by running with the ball or by kicking it.

Scoring in both games occurs by achieving either a try or a goal. A try (at goal) involves grounding the ball (touching the ball to the ground) over the goal line at the opponent's end of the field. A goal results from kicking the ball over the crossbar between the upright goalposts. Three different types of kick at goal can score points: the goal kick after a try has been awarded (which if successful becomes a conversion); the drop kick; and the penalty kick. The points awarded for each vary between the games.

The main difference between the two games, besides league having teams of 13 players and union of 15, comes after tackles. Union players contest possession following the tackle: depending on the situation, either a ruck or a maul occurs. League players do not contest possession: play is continued with a play-the-ball.

Set-pieces of the union code include the scrum, where packs of opposing players push against each other for possession, and the lineout, where parallel lines of players from each team, arranged perpendicular to the touch-line (the side line) attempt to catch the ball thrown from touch (the area behind the touch-line).

In the league code, the scrum still exists, but with greatly reduced importance. Set pieces are generally started from the play-the-ball situation which has meant that rugby league has evolved into faster and more attacking game with a greater emphasis on running with the ball in hand, passing and scoring tries.




Ada yg tau atau pernah maen gak???
lambang rugby team negara gw tuh di avatar gw

New Zealand:
First international
Australia 3 - 22 New Zealand
(15 August 1903)
Largest win
New Zealand 145 - 17 Japan
(4 June 1995)
Worst defeat
Australia 28 - 7 New Zealand
(28 August 1999)
World Cup
Appearances 5 (First in 1987)
Best result Champions, 1987

ada yg tau???
New Zealand all blacks

kalo NFL gw suka kalo rugby gimana ya cape kaya nonton bola
gw ga bisa main sih
tapi gw agak2 tau
disini jarang yg maen rugbi walopun gw pernah maenin permainan sejenis itu
main nya sih spt apa yah yg biasanya bola nya cokelat itu
tp yg ini beda pakaian nya kayak pemain bola,dan biasnaya harus banting diri,wah2 kalo di indo kan biasnaya lapangan dari semen,bahaya tuh:D
gw pernah maen Rugby......gw kan bisanya cuma maen American Football...
pas gw maen rugby sama team rugby sekolah.....jelas sekali perbedaannnya.....
rugby nyeremin......kalo di Indonesia mungkin rugby dibilang Sepak Bola Rakyat kali yah??.....
wahh kayaknya asik tuh.
bedanya rugby sama american football apaan kk?
saia baru mulai latian american football sama temen2...
gara2 komik Eyeshield21~:x
wah..gue juga suka baca eyeshield tuh....keren loh...ehm2
back to topic...
klo Rugby tu biasa na main na lanjut..klo dah jatuh lsg main ga pake atur2 formasi kayak NFL gitu....tapi itu cman menurut pemandangan gue aj....

lagian aq juga lebih suka NFL ato american football.....:D
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