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Jual Program CUCI-OTAK (Take Your OWN Risk!)


IndoForum Newbie D
No. Urut
7 Jan 2009
Nilai reaksi
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A true innovation in the field of thought & habit modification:

"BURN the Thoughts, Beliefs and Attitudes of the Happiest, Most Effective People Into Your Mind and You Will Feel How They Feel, Do What They Do and Get The Same Results They Get!"​
  • Anda ingin memotivasi diri sendiri, tapi tetap berakhir bermalas2an?
  • Anda berusaha meninggalkan habit2 buruk Anda, namun selalu kembali lagi?
  • Anda diselimuti keraguan sehingga setiap keputusan yg Anda ambil KELIRU?
  • Anda merasa "tidak safe" jika bertemu orang atau ketika keluar rumah?
  • Anda diliputi pikiran2 negatif, kecemasan, ketakutan sehari2 tanpa sebab?
  • Anda selalu menunda2 project Anda? Management waktu Anda buruk?
  • Anda sudah beli berbagai buku, CD, DVD, eBook self help atau bahkan
    menghadiri seminar Anthony Robbins namun tetap merasa "begitu2 saja"?
Saya tidak terkejut...

Karena sampai saat ini memang belum ada satu pun cara yg
mudah, cepat, dan sederhana untuk secara PERMANENT mengubah
suara2 di dalam kepala Anda, mengubah cara Anda berpikir,
melepaskan masa lalu Anda dan melepaskan emosi2 yg tidak mendukung.

Ya, sampai saat ini tidak satu cara pun dapat secara predictable
mengeliminasi mental patterns yg menyebabkan kenegatifan2
melompat keluar menghentikan Anda, kemudian menginstall
SEMUA kualitas yg dibutuhkan utk mencapai kehidupan yg Anda impikan.

Beruntunglah, karena kini sudah ada...

Mike Litman berkata:
"I'm calling Think Right Now! programs
THE self-help products for the next millennium.
Aye Caramba! They work!"

Mike Litman, #1 best-selling author
'Conversations with Millionaires'

THINK RIGHT NOW! sudah teruji, sangat powerful, dan telah membantu
puluhan ribu orang di dunia seperti Anda dan saya untuk mengatasi
problem2 mental mereka dan memenangkan kehidupan yg mereka cita2kan!

Klik di sini untuk mempelajari Think Right NOW! lebih dalam:
(Tekan tombol Play
di paling atas untuk summary jika Anda terburu2)

Still skeptic? Silakan baca Manual Book-nya dulu, FREE of charge:
Download Think Right Now! Manual HERE
*) Hilangkan tanda bintang * dari URL

Untuk kumpulan live recorded case-studies, silakan klik di sini:
Listen to live recorded case studies HERE

Sekarang saatnya memilih :bingung:

Think Right Now! Audio Programs:

1. Dissolve Panic and Anxiety Now!
"By conditioning out thoughts that allow fear, and conditioning in ones
that create calm... your anxiety, worry & panic will quickly disappear"
You do not have to suffer from panic attacks, senseless worrying or
compulsions anymore.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

2. Eating for Excellent Health Now!
"Can't stick with a healthy diet? Here's how to create
motivation & willpower forever so you can add 20 and even 30
or more healthy years to your life"
Eating For Excellent Health Now! Behavior Modification Program
is your permanent affordable answer to easily getting in control of
your diet, and losing weight without expensive pills, powders or shakes.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

3. Effective Time Management Now!
"You can now be trained to get more done faster, better & easier
while dramatically reducing your stress"
Effective Time-Management Now! can help you squeeze more
success & fun from each day by getting you to focus on the most
important things in your life.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $59.97 ]

4. Financial Abundance Now!
"Want To Earn More, Keep More & Invest Like A Pro?"
Financial Abundance Now! will radically alter your thoughts,
beliefs and habits concerning money and anything else remotely
affecting how much you earn and keep.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $59.97 ]

5. Freedom From Depression Now!
"End your depression symptoms, End your depression;
It's not magic... It'll just feel like it"
Freedom From Depression Now! is a break-through for millions of sufferers.
[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

6. I Am Organized Now!
"Out of every thousand people, the most organized person will probably
achieve the most, do it faster with the least amount of effort AND
have the most free time..."
I Am Organized Now! can help YOU be that one in a thousand.
[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

7. I Am Smoke Free Now!
"If you've tried everything to quit smoking, it's time to get real -
It's hard to stop any habit you love. Just slapping on a sticker,
eating a pill or chewing gum will never change how you feel about smoking..."
'I Am Smoke-Free Now' will.
[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

8. I Love Exercising Now!
"Imagine what you would look like, feel like and be like
if you absolutely LOVED to exercise"
[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

9. Infinite Joy Now!
"Imagine, YOU-The Happiest Person For A Hundred Miles Around!!"
The happiest people have lives that are just as challenging as people
who are miserable, anxious, angry and depressed. The happiest people
simply frame their responsibilities and struggles in a more positive way
than everyone else.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

10. Real Self Esteem Now!
"Without Healthy Self-Esteem, You Could Have 'Everything'
But Your Life Could Still Be A Wreck"
Real Self-Esteem Now! is, by far, the most important programs we offer...
[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $59.97 ]

11. Setting and Achieving Goals Now!
"You'll Get So Goal Oriented, Every Single Part Of Your Life Will Get Better"
If You Want To Be, Do and Have More In Every Area Of Your Life,
Get Setting & Achieving Goals Now! It Will Blow You Away.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

12. Supreme Confidence Now!
"Your Self-Confidence Will Rise Dramatically, Absolutely...
Your Credo Will Now Be, 'I Can Do It!' "
The human brain is thousands of times faster and more powerful than the most advanced computer. It's always learning. And you have one.
[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

13. Unstoppable Motivation Now!
"From Now On, Powerful Desire, Rock-Solid Determination and
Undying Persistence Will Help You Achieve Whatever You Desire...
Everything You Do, You'll Do To Win"
Unstoppable Motivation Now! will help you adopt the never-say-die
determination found in champions from every area of life.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $34.97 ]

14. Win Friends & Influence People Now!
"How to get anyone to like you, trust you and follow your advice"
Finally, an automatic way to infuse yourself with the people skills of
the most likable, magnetic, persuasive people who ever lived.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $59.97 ]

15. Conquering Social Anxiety NOW! [highlight]*NEW ARRIVAL!* (11/06/08)[/highlight]
"You Can Break The Paralyzing Grip Of Social Anxiety
Once And For All —And Embrace New & Fulfilling Opportunities
With Confidence In Every Part Of Your Life!"
Conquering Social Anxiety Now! is a new professional
mental learning program that works like nothing you’ve
ever tried before. It’s easier, safer, and more effective than other
social anxiety solutions. And it’s surprisingly inexpensive too—
far less than a single visit to a therapist!

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $59.97 ]

Think Right Now! Software:

16. Think Right Now! for Windows
"Make Every Single Minute You Stare At Your PC Screen
A Personal Development Minute"
Think Right Now's Proven Accelerated Learning Technology
Effortlessly Trains You To Do Everything Better, Faster and Easier
By Using Your PC, Just As You Do Now.

[ Site Info ] [ Success Stories ] [ $$44.97 ]

NOTE: NO "on-site Bonus" policy
Bonus2 yg ada pada website aslinya TIDAK terdapat dlm paket pembelian.
Jadi tidak ada transcript, dsb. hanya AUDIO Program saja.

Jadi berapa Anda harus menebus paket-paket dahsyat di atas?

Dengan 90% discount rate, Anda hanya memerlukan:
- Rp.33.000,- untuk setiap paket dengan tag price $34.97
- Rp.43.000,- untuk setiap paket dengan tag price $44.97
- Rp.57.000,- untuk setiap paket dengan tag price $59.97
(* BELUM Termasuk Ongkos Kirim Tiki JNE Reguler)

Apakah ada "Take All" Special Price?

Ya! Jika Anda mengambil seluruh paket di atas, Anda akan mendapat
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tetapi cukup Rp.500.000,- saja!
(* Ongkir Tiki JNE YES INCLUDED ke seluruh Indonesia)

Untuk setiap transaksi TAKE-ALL, sy berikan Bonus Langsung
Oxford Dictionary Series (4-in-1), including:
  • The New Oxford Dictionary of English
  • The New Oxford Thesaurus of English
  • The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
  • The Oxford World Encyclopedia
Plus 2 Kamus Inggris-Indonesia-Inggris: InDict dan Linguist

  • SMS ke [highlight]081213-271190[/highlight] dengan format:
    TRN <no. paket> <nama> <alamat lengkap>
  • Nanti akan sy reply dengan no.rek.BCA/Mandiri & TOTAL transfer.
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  • Konfirmasi setelah pk 10.00 WIB akan diproses esok harinya.

Fast Action BONUS:

Dapatkan eBook "The Millionaire Mindset" ([highlight]$39.95[/highlight])
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[highlight]10[/highlight] pembeli pertama yg memberikan TESTIMONIAL! :email:

to your Personal Development success,


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