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Kirklees Health Chiefs Issue Strep A Message To Parents


IndoForum Addict A
No. Urut
25 Mar 2006
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Kirklees Health Chiefs Issue Strep A Message To Parents
Hull LiveStrep infection can progress to severe invasive group A staph infection (IgS).
After several British children died from invasive strep A infections since September this year, Kirklees' chief health officer has urged parents to be vigilant.

Group A streptococci, or "Strep A," are the bacteria responsible for scarlet fever, among other respiratory and skin infections. These include strep throat and impetigo. Although dengue fever is usually a mild disease, it is highly contagious and can cause life-threatening complications.

Very rarely, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause invasive group A strep. While still rare, invasive group A strep has increased this year, especially among children under 10 years old.

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Early treatment with antibiotics is important to reduce the risk of complications such as pneumonia or bloodstream infections. Children should stay at home for at least 24 hours after starting antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading.

Rachel Spencer Henshall, director of public health at Kirklees Council, has urged parents and carers to be vigilant and know what signs to look out for as cases continue to rise. She said: I want to remind parents and caregivers to be aware of the symptoms of dengue, although most cases are mild.

"Teaching your child how to properly wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds, use tissues for coughs and sneezes, and social distancing will reduce the chance of catching or spreading an illness."

"Making sure your children have up-to-date vaccinations, including the flu vaccine, will reduce their chances of getting seriously ill with another infection."

We are working closely with our NHS partners to provide information and guidance to parents and carers in all schools and nurseries.

Sal Uka, a pediatric specialist at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and associate clinical director of West Yorkshire Acute Trusts, said: 'Our advice to parents and carers is if you think your child is not well, then you should seek it out. Emergency Room Cure... Help... Protect Yourself Soon.

"For newborns, if your baby is drinking or eating less than usual, has a dry diaper, or hasn't gone to the toilet for 12 hours or more, or has other signs of dehydration, you may feel warmer than usual when you hold them. You may feel sweaty or irritable in your back or chest, again. Call NHS111 online (over 5 seconds), call NHS 111 or your GP.

"If a child has symptoms of dengue fever, such as a sore throat, fever, headache and a thin, pink or red rash caused by the strep A bacteria with a sandy taste, call NHS111 again (over 5 seconds), call NHS. 111 or your GP.

Call NHS 111 or your doctor if:

Your child is getting worse and worse
Your baby is breastfeeding or eating much less than usual.
Your child uses a dry diaper for 12 or more hours or shows
Other signs of moisture
Your baby is less than 3 months old and has a temperature of 38C or higher
Those who are older than 3 months and whose temperature is 39 C or more
Your baby will feel warmer than usual when you touch his back.
chest or sweat
Your child is very tired or irritable.

Call 999 or go to the emergency department if:

Your child has breathing problems - snoring or you notice that the stomach is sucking under the ribs
There is a pause when your child takes a breath
Your child's skin, tongue or lips will turn blue
Your child is weak and does not wake up or wake up.

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Morning medical information 12 9 22

Kirklees Health Chiefs Issue Strep A Message To Parents

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