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Jual Paket Materi Trading (Forex, Options, Futures, Candlestick, dll)

List per title dapat dilihat di post di bawah ini atau dapat didownload di :
pusatebook-2016-07.xlsx - 140Kb

Atau bisa request dikirim ke email Anda.


Paket semua update JULI 2016 bisa anda dapatkan seharga Rp. 200.000
DVD/Course :
1. Chris Mathews: The Traders Mindset Course - Rp. 20.000
2. Andrew Keene : Trading with the Ichimoku Cloud Technical Indicator (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000
3. Jim Martens : Elliott Waves & Forex - How to Tune Out the "Noise" and Focus on What Really Drives Markets (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500
4. Ken Calhoun : Trade Mapping (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000
5. Marty Kearney : Ratio Call Spreads - Leverage Profits from Long Stock Positions (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500
6. Steve Nison : Profit and Protection in a Down Market (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500

Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) :
1. All About Day Trading , by Jake Bernstein
2. Candlestick Charting Demystified , by Wayne A. Corbitt
3. Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager: From the Top, to the Bottom, and Back Again , by Keith McCullough
4. Fusion Analysis: Merging Fundamental and Technical Analysis for Risk-Adjusted Excess Returns , by V. John Palicka
5. Trading Price Action Trading Ranges: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader , by Al Brooks
Penawaran Khusus Paket Semua Materi Trading

PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESOURCES 2016 (dalam CD/DVD, total 600an disc) : Rp. 7.000.000
PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESOURCES 2016 (DVD Diconvert AVI/MP4) : Rp. 4.250.000
PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESOURCES 2016 (dalam Harddisk 3TB/3000GB) : Rp. 6.500.000
PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESOURCES 2016 (dalam Harddisk 1TB/1000GB, dan untuk DVD diconvert menjadi AVI/MP4) : Rp. 4.500.000

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