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Jual DVD e-book Terlengkap & Termurah !!!!


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
2 Okt 2008
Nilai reaksi
Anda Mahasiswa Kedokteran??? Atau mungkin anda orang yang sedang mencari Text book Kedokteran???
Bingung beli text-book kedokteran yang harganya setinggi langit???
Saya pernah merasakan apa yg anda alami...
oleh karena itu saya ingin menjual koleksi e-book kedokteran saya...
TOTAL ADA 1 DVD berisi 4.17 Giga yg semuanya isinya adalah text book kedokteran yang telah dikelompokkan berdasarkan bagian-bagiannya....
contoh Anatomi, histology, ObGyn, Bedah, Saraf, Anak, I.P.Dalam, Patology Anatomy, dll
Semua text book yg harganya puluhan juta itu bisa anda dapatkan hanya dengan 60ribu Rupiah saja (termasuk free ongkir)
Tunggu apalagi??? Segera contact saya 081-8092-10400....
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Gimana caranya dapetinnya??
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Bisa bahaya Bos.......

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6. Maaf, kami tidak melayani COD

NB: ada sekitar 350 e-book dalam dvd ini.yang ada di list dibawah ini adalah buku-buku yang paling sering dipake...

Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Sabiston Textbook of Surgery
Braunwald Heart Disease Principles of Surgery: Companion Handbook
Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 2002 Washington Manual of Surgery 2002
Practice of Geriatrics langman's medical embryology
Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Hurford - Clinical Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital 6th
Oxford Textbook of Medicine P.G.Barash, B.F.Cullen, R.K.Stoelting - Clinical Anesthesia. 4th edition
Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology Schwartz - Principles and Practice of Emergency Medicine 4th
Principles and Practice of Endocrinology and Metabolism Webb - Oxford Textbook of Critical Care
Williams Endocrinology Color Atlas of Hematology - Practical and Clinical Diagnosis
Williams Hematology CURRENT Emergency Diagnosis 5th ed 2004
Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice Fitzpatrick's Dermatology In General Medicine 6th ed
Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology Habif - Clinical Dermatology - A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy 4th ed
Manual of Allergy and Immunology Diagnosis and Therapy Hall - Sauer's Manual of Skin Diseases 8th ed
Samster's Immunologic Diseases Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy
Fundamental Immunology [Obstetrics] Williams Obstetrics, 21st Ed (2001)
Manual of Clinical Oncology Berek Practical Gynecologic Oncology 3ed
Lippincott's Cancer Chemotherapy Handbook Danforth's Ob&Gyn 9ed with images
The Washington Manual of Oncology M.A.Stenchever, et al - Comprehensive Gynecology. 4th edition
AJCC Cancer Staging Handbook Novak's Gynecology
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology The Johns Hopkins Manual of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2nd ed
CURRENT Critical Care Diagnosis & Treatment Oxford Textbook of Surgery
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Infectious Disease Tropical and Parasitic
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics Schaum's Outline of Human Anatomy
CURRENT Gastroenterology Van De Graaff Human Anatomy
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2005 Benner & Rector's the Kidney 7th edition
CURRENT Obstetric and Gynecologic Diagnosis and Treatment Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging
CURRENT Pediatric Diagnosis & Treatment Infectious Disease 2nd edition
CURRENT Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment Cecil Textbook Of Medicine
Robbins Pathology Basic of Disease Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer Vol. 1 & 2
Nelson's Textbook of Pediatrics Oxford Textbook of Medicine 4th edition
Krugman's Infectious Disease of Children Ravel - Clinical Laboratory Medicine - Clinical Applications of Laboratory Data 6th edition
Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Macmillan Encyclopedia of Public Health Vol. 1,2,3,4 - Lester Breslow (Ed.)
Oski's Pediatrics: Principles and Practice Fields - Virology (Two Volumes) 4th Edition
Review of Medical Physiology 21st Ed Ophthalmology 2nd edition
Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 17th edition
Paul and Juhl's Essentials of Radiologic Imaging Gale Encyclopedia of surgery Vol. 1,2,3
A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Thieme Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy 2nd ed, 2000
Fischbach - A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 7th ed Juhl - Paul and Juhl's Essentials of Radiologic Imaging 7th
Clinical Laboratory Medicine Oxford Textbook of Surgery (3-Volume Set) 2nd edition
Metheny - Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 4th Ed
Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
Clinical Neurology
Essential Neurology
New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry 2003
Textbook of Neurology
Clinical Neurology
Merritt's Neurology
Adams & Victor's Principles of Neurology
Head and Neck Surgery: Otolaryngology
Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery
Bertram G. Katzung-Basic & Clinical Pharmacology(9th Edition)
Bailey Surgical Textbook
Chapman's Orthopaedic Surgery
Essentials of Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice
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