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IndoForum Senior A
No. Urut
24 Mei 2008
Nilai reaksi
Do your believe our imagination has much to do with success?
Arnold Schwarzenegger won the title of Mr. Universe seven times. But he didn't keep his title by only pumping iron. As part of his workout routine, he would frequently go into the corner of the gym and visualize himself winning the title again.

Jack Nicklaus, the great professional golfer, explained his imaging technique. He said "First I 'see' the ball where I want it to finish - nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the scene quickly changes, and I 'see' the ball going there; its path, trajectory and shape, even its behavior on the landing. Then," says Nicklaus, "there's sort of a fade-out, and the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality."

I recall hearing the story of a prisoner of war who spent his years of solitary confinement playing golf - on the course of his mind. When he was released and returned to California, one of his first desires was to head for the nearest golfing facility. He was totally shocked at how his game had improved. Without question, his imagination had greatly enhanced his physical skills.
I don't renounce the advantages of imaging, but a lot of people out there fantasize about blonds or redheads without getting any :D
i do believe with imagining, you always have hopes, and with that you can have spirits to keep doing things in life to claiming your dreams /no1
does that mean Imagination support our life?
I don't understand.../hmm
The exact word is imaging(not imagining). Imaging in this context is simulating mental pictures of events that occur. This technique provide simulation benefits for the user to improve certain skills or abilities in life without physical practice.
Imaging is also associated with a technique that involves imagining positive outcomes of events that is to occur. Another word for the latter is positive thinking.

Is there a way i can remove my signature by editing my posts??
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