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How to Answer the Phone Politely?


IndoForum Senior A
No. Urut
19 Feb 2009
Nilai reaksi
Prepare to focus on the conversation. Stop whatever you may have been doing and get ready. Try to smile before picking up the phone - it will make a difference in how you sound.

Always identify yourself. In business situations, it is appropriate to answer the phone with your name and company: "Good Morning, XYZ company. This is Joan. How may I help you?", however it is also good practice to identify yourself or your household when you answer your home phone.

Even if the caller would like to speak to someone else, briefly let them know who you are.

Respond with an appropriate level of formality. Try not to speak too informally until you know who the caller is.

If the speaker does not introduce him/herself, say, "May I ask who's speaking?" In this way you will not offend him/her.

Do not delve into gossiping or personal conversations immediately. If you talk too soon, it might baffle the speaker, or you may even leak out some personal details to the speaker which you did not intend to share with strangers.

Listen carefully to find out the reason the person is calling and respond appropriately.

If the person they are calling for is not at home or is unavailable to speak, tell the caller, "I'm sorry, he/she is not available right now. May I take a message?" Be sure to record the persons name, phone number, and purpose of call. This way, if it is an important call, the issue can be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Be wary of information gathering calls. If the caller requests details about you or others, consider carefully before responding. Even if the caller gives a name and indentifies his or her company, you should be wary unless they are a trusted contact.

In a business situation, state "I'm sorry, sir/madam. Company policy is that I am not permitted to give out that information. May I have more details on why it is required?" and make your assessment from there.

At home, just politely say "I'm sorry sir/madam, I'm quite wary of giving away my personal details. Is it essential?" If the answer is yes then ask further questions, but try not to give away any details.

Prepare to focus on the conversation.' Stop whatever you may have been doing and get ready. Try to smile before picking up the phone - it will make a difference in how you sound.

Always identify yourself. In business situations, it is appropriate to answer the phone with your name and company: "Good Morning, XYZ company. This is Joan. How may I help you?", however it is also good practice to identify yourself or your household when you answer your home phone.

Even if the caller would like to speak to someone else, briefly let them know who you are.
Respond with an appropriate level of formality. Try not to speak too informally until you know who the caller is.

If the speaker does not introduce him/herself, say, "May I ask who's speaking?" In this way you will not offend him/her.

Do not delve into gossiping or personal conversations immediately. If you talk too soon, it might baffle the speaker, or you may even leak out some personal details to the speaker which you did not intend to share with strangers.

Listen carefully to find out the reason the person is calling and respond appropriately.

If the person they are calling for is not at home or is unavailable to speak, tell the caller, "I'm sorry, he/she is not available right now. May I take a message?" Be sure to record the persons name, phone number, and purpose of call. This way, if it is an important call, the issue can be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Be wary of information gathering calls. If the caller requests details about you or others, consider carefully before responding. Even if the caller gives a name and indentifies his or her company, you should be wary unless they are a trusted contact.

In a business situation, state "I'm sorry, sir/madam. Company policy is that I am not permitted to give out that information. May I have more details on why it is required?" and make your assessment from there.

At home, just politely say "I'm sorry sir/madam, I'm quite wary of giving away my personal details. Is it essential?" If the answer is yes then ask further questions, but try not to give away any details.

If the caller is a telemarketer refer to the Politely Deal with Telemarketers article.

End the call politely. When the conversation is over, politely say "Bye."

Follow etiquette. Traditional etiquette dictates that a person who initiates a call should hang up first. If your phone was the one that rang, you should hang up last. If you dialed, you should hang up first.

So.....that's a useful tips from wikihow...now...r u ready to answer my call? /gg
q : hello
a : hello, who's talking?
q : could i talk to Bejo?
a : who's talking?
q : just a friend of him
a : sorry he only answer to his enemies....
This is the example of making a phone call from me

A : Good Evening, ..... company. May I speak to Mr .... ?
B : Good Evening too. Who's speaking there ?
A : I am Mr .....
B : Well, I'm afraid Mr.... is not available now. Do you mind to leave message for him ?
A : Okay, please tell him to make a phone call to me when he's available
B : All right. Anything else ?
A: No, that's all
B : Okay, I'll pass your message to him. Thanks for calling ..... company. Good Evening
A : Good Evening too.

Please correct me if there's something wrong in the conversation above cos I'm still learning.

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