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Foto yg indah oleh Komatsu Miho


IndoForum Addict A
No. Urut
25 Mar 2006
Nilai reaksi
Family background: Annie was born in a middle-class family in Tokyo. Her parents, both engineers, had always worked for the same company and took her education very seriously. Annie grew up in a strict environment, but she also received encouragement and support from her family, and she has always performed very well.

Family life: Annie is currently divorced for 1 year. She hopes to find a balance between career and family, so she is looking for a work and lifestyle that suits her.

Profile of Annie
Full name: Komatsu Miho

Stage name: Annie

Nickname: Annie

Komatsu Miho was born on March 18, 1994 in Tokyo, Japan

Japanese citizens

Educational background: Annie studied business management at a prestigious private university in Tokyo and received a bachelor's degree. During college, she excelled, participated in many extracurricular activities and received several awards and honors. Thereafter, Annie obtained a master's degree in business administration and entered a large multinational company after graduation.

Religion Annie: Shintoism

Height: 168 cm



Work Experience: Annie worked in the company's marketing department, where she was responsible for developing and executing the company's marketing strategy. She is well versed in digital and social media marketing and often works with team members to ensure the company's sales goals are met. Annie excelled at her job, received praise from colleagues and superiors, and was promoted to head of the marketing department.

Occupation: Director of Marketing

Hobbies: watching movies, traveling

Facebook: Annie Anniehttps://web.facebook.com/

Twitter: Annie22664 @annie2266482713

Instagram: annie_2264

TIK tok : Annie22664 @user496186418


Fun Facts About Annie
She's had a lot of compliments from the start, not least because of the shape of her nose.
He was born and spent most of his life in Tokyo.
As it turns out, many people thought he was in his 20s when he debuted.
She enjoys spending time playing the piano.
She often shares moments of herself sharapg with a melodious voice.
Many people love the way kids dress today.
He likes to visit many places in his free time.
Foto yg indah oleh Komatsu Miho

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