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English - Translation


IndoForum Activist E
No. Urut
6 Mar 2008
Nilai reaksi
You can ask me to translate from English to Indonesia or backwards, or simple passage only from Chinese or Japanese or to Chinese or Japanese. You can give me a GRP after I translated your text. I may not be active here, but I'll try :D
thanks for your support! ^^
or you mean you want me to translate that? /gg
halo2.. is this thread still visited??
i often have problems to find english word i want
i really hope there's someone help me. coz sometimes i afraid i've made my friends feel uncomfortable coz i asked english words manytimes
i really hope everyone in this thread would has any favor to help me

ok for this first chance, would u plis tell me what 'darimanapun' in english?
e.g : darimanapun juga, u're still the best

thx so much for the help. GBU :D
wherever the place , u're still the best
in every place in this world, u're still the best
or if it's a romantic case
u're the best in this world
You can ask me to translate from English to Indonesia or backwards, or simple passage only from Chinese or Japanese or to Chinese or Japanese. You can give me a GRP after I translated your text. I may not be active here, but I'll try :D
helllo , where are you ? are you interested in being a part time translator ?

my colleague will go to Indonesia for business trip on June 28 . He speaks English and Chinese . He will stay in Jakarta and Kupang for 6 days , about 3 days in Jakarta and 3 days in Kupang .
You can ask me to translate from English to Indonesia or backwards, or simple passage only from Chinese or Japanese or to Chinese or Japanese. You can give me a GRP after I translated your text. I may not be active here, but I'll try :D
Nice thread. .......I'll help you With my knowl
Its great to be a Google translator... but to be honest, its kinda hard to master many languages especially asian language since most of the language are too different from one another....
No machine translation is better than human translation.
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