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[BA-DEBATE] Does Satan Exist


IndoForum Activist E
No. Urut
6 Mar 2008
Nilai reaksi
maaf sebelumnya dalam bahasa inggris...

This is a comment for an interesting last year's debate, about, "Does Satan exist?", featured in ABC Nightline special. The participants are:

Dan Harris, ABC - Moderator

Pastor Mark Driscoll, founding, theological, and teaching pastor of Mars Hill Church
Annie Lobért, from Hookers for Jesus (hookersforjesus.net)
Deepak Chopra, a doctor
"Bishop" Carlton Pearson, former bishop from Black Pentecostal Churches denomination, a heretic, writer of "The Doctrine of Inclusion" denying the existence of devil and hell.

Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b-9fKKDSfs

here are my comments:

Part 2
2:30 - no, we are first controlled by our own desires, and devils use it (third party control), to discourage you from controlling your own desires.
4:30 - You believe in God, and you know your God, from the Scriptures. You believe (not in, but) that satan exists, from the Scriptures, the Word of God.

Part 3
3:13 - Big Bang is and still a theory. You didn't spectate what happenned billion years ago. We don't experience Big Bang, yet, he believes that the theory was right, and forgetting other theories about the making of our galaxy. Only one theory could be right, or, none of them is the right one.
3:53 - None of the things inside the Bible contradicts with natural science facts. Science just can't reach what's in the Bible, they don't contradict.
4:30 - How can God be a "he"? Firstly, it's because He is a masculine figure, a fatherly figure. And He is to be said the male bride of the church.
4:40 - Yeah, we had our guilt and shame, and the devil controls it. And we should confront them both, with Jesus. Because when we do wrong, the devil will use our guild and shame, but with Jesus, we can defeat the devil, and get rid of the guilt and shame. So with Him, we are no longer in guild and shame, and aren't under devil's control.
5:14 - About that primitive idea, there is a difference between religion and beliefs. The primitive idea he's talking is about a belief. It comes from human's thinking about the divine intelligence, human's brain limit. Religions, like Christian and Islam, our beliefs are to us by the divine intelligence, God himself. Big Bang is a belief also, first formulated and proposed by
Georges Lemaître, a priest, and a professor of physics and astronomy.
6:00 - In reference to Col 1:15
7:00 - God created what is good. He created good angels, good humans, but they can go rogue, the become bad angels (that turned into satans) and bad humans.
8:43 - God let the devils alive, because He really, really loves us, humans, and He wants us to love Him back, just like what Pastor Driscoll said.
9:10 - God wants everybody to be saved. He won't leave that poor 16 year old child go into hell, He will make a way so that child got to know Jesus. James 4:17 said that anyone who knows to do good but doesn't do it, they've sinned. This is a crowded, small world. If you know anyone and you know he/she knows nothing about Jesus, and you don't tell him/her about Jesus, you have sinned against him/her. God said, every souls that comes down to hell because of us will be our responsibility. But if you've told them about Jesus and they refused, there will be no blood debt.
9:14 - Hitler only thought that he was doing God's will, but God's job is God's job, not Hitler's job.

Part 4
2:46 - HA! Mr. Chopra, try to make someone's fall or someone's death, then take down your own guilt, YOURSELF.
3:53 - From what Pearson said, he automatically denies the existance of Holy Spirit, as the keeper of the Word of God. We all know, we don't have the original texts. They are all manuscript. But don't he think that God isn't powerful and mighty enough to keep His words? So Bishop, if you think that the devil doctrine is humans' creation, isn't it possible if I say, if, because the Bible is not pure anymore according to you, that Jesus isn't God, and Jesus isn't the Son of God? What bible do you use, Bishop? Mentioned by Pastor Driscoll in Part 5, if those truths are lies, according to the bishop, no people should die for a lie. But in fact, thousans, millions, even billions died for the truth that the bishop called lie, that includes his doctrine of inclusion.

Part 5
3:50 & 5:05 - For Mr. Chopra, did you experience Big Bang, sir? Did you experience the making of our galaxy? Did you experience the molding of Pangaea? Did you see the evolution from Pithecanthropus erectus to Homo erectus? Niels Bohr didn't experience, nor can he see, the detailed pico view of an atom. Niels Bohr only created a model, proven to be effective in scientific usage.
4:36 - There are already so much ressurection cases, Mr. Chopra, and you can't evade that.
4:41 - Although this is not for human, virgin female mouse can give birth to little mouses, with their mother's chromosomes only, of course. This observation has been done in Japan, and the phenomenon is called Parthenogenesis (birth from a virgin). For Mary's case in the bible, it was not pure Parthenogenesis, because the bible tells us that Jesus was born from/of the Holy Spirit, not because of the Holy Spirit.
5:25 - You already attend so much public debate and you can't get the essence of it?

Part 6
6:40 - Do you know, that someone has seen the real state of the devil, and he said that they have handsome faces

Part 7
6:55 - Bishop, how long have you been a Christian? Please differ devil-driven and devil-filled.

Part 8
0:39 - The woman is talking about David Berry's theory about social deviance, it's about deviance are relative for every people, because every people may have their own standards, that differs from other people's.
2:30 - An unneccessary comment from Deepak Chopra.
4:25 - He's talking about the triumph of Jesus.
4:45 - Oh I love this one. Logical fallacy from Mr. Deepak was crushed. Owned by an unknown man.

Man: This question is for Mr. Deepak and the bishop.
You stated before that our beliefs are cover-up of our insecurity, right?
Deepak: Mm-hm.
Man: Do you believe that?
Deepak: Yes.
*someone laughs very loud*
Man: Thank you. *goes back*
*laughs, shouts, and very loud claps from the audience, the bishop laughs*

5:18 - Then Mr. Deepak didn't need to comment to Annie's real experience with the devil and Jesus that she was just imaginating. It was just because he never experience them.
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