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IndoForum Beginner B
No. Urut
29 Apr 2006
Nilai reaksi
Yak, anak-anak IF, saya kebetulan mempunyai suatu masalah yang telah selesai saya solve dengan sangat mulus, dan saya akan membahasnya kembali disini, saya meminta kalian untuk mencari mengapa saya mengetahui bahwa msjavax adalah salah satu dari teman saya?

Berikut adalah kata kuncinya :
msjavax : I see you ask Shazeya come and make an announcement ehh??

Feel threated??

Want to trace my IP??
Here,!!!! hahahahaha

Shocked why I know you want to trace my IP?? Usually, all mod will have a power to trace the IP, and thank god, they didn't grant a permission to you or any other international mod. hahaha...
last time, that bigot geget want to trace my IP too!!!.
I'm behind a Dynamic IP, it is worthless if you ask the moderator to ban this IP or any other IP (in ranges) sice many big moderator came from Malaysia. hahhahaha ph34r.gif

msjavax : they can scam u for no good reason.

msjavax : you mean do the same stuff like the peter does??
for those who don't know who is the peter, try to ask the other moderator.

msjavax : You're different from that arrogant geget and show off shazeya, plus the giggster man.
geget especially warn the other member for this reason. Why you didn't warn me?

msjavax : Then warn me this instance. Now. I want you to warn me. I challenging you to warn me. Do you able to warn me? we shall know later.

msjavax : Well done, refering to the massdriller rules, hahahaha...
You can't get away for this one.
Mass have left from eA. now eA in ruins because of those morons.

msjavax : I'm not pointing my finger to shazeya frankly.

msjavax : ask that bigot geget and giggster about the rules. hahaha

msjavax : JAVA

msjavax : geget especially warn the other member for this reason. Why you didn't warn me?

msjavax : @wichi?

msjavax : don't be a fool one. You have a power, why you don't use your power for a right?

msjavax : Good day~.

msjavax : sorry, I am a half baked japanese and malay, and I would use a proper language if I feel like to do so.

msjavax Joined: 5-August 06

msajavax : I see you ask Shazeya come and make an announcement ehh??
msjavax :
I have a really good relationship with some eAthena staff. Why bother to know who I'm still communicate?.

Peter incident was happened in the IRC, so many eA member knew about it. And like I said before, I have a good relationship with some eA staff.

Because shazeya is with you when you have a deal with me. Why bother to point my finger to them (manipulator and davidchak).

I've told you that BIIGOT GEGET is the most SUCK moderator in eathena.

before?? do you mean I have repeated it twice?

Do you ever see anyone use that word??
How pathetic.

YEAH, what's wrong with it??
I have another account and that accound had been banned by shazeya. sleep.gif

Am I pointing to her/him all the time??
Hey mister sharp minded! See at the other name too.

Half baked!!!!! My parent met at Tokyo and they married at malaysia.
So I know how to talk in Malaysia.

Like I said before, I have a really good relationship with some eA staff.
And I have the old account that had been banned by shazeya before this.
How sharp you have, you still can't use your own common sense. Silly life with another heterosexual guys moderator wannabe.

You have totally wrong about me. HAHAHAHAHA. ME? is a GEGET??
you'll be my next bigot after that GEGET. laugh.gif

No matter what you want to say, I will refer to that GEGET. hahahaha

BTW, I'm back frm my oversea, (Japan) starterd from the last PM till this one.
Same like GEGET huh???

ADA 1 kata kunci sangat fatal yang ditinggalkan teman saya, itu adalah buktinya, ada yang tahu kenapa saya bilang bahwa dia adalah teman saya? /no1
kaga jelas banget nanya apa ene....
dia coba masuk ke ID Wichiandy?????:-/

yg gw tau:
dia orang malaysia setengah jepang,
member eAthena,
ada seseorang yg di sebut namanya "shazeya frankly",
dia minta di warn,
BIIGOT GEGET adalah Mod yg paling membosankan(/hmm)
salah 1 Id nya di ban oleh Mod Shazeya,setiap kali dia menunjukan jari ke mod tsb Mod tsb selalu berkata hey bung berpikirlah yg tajam,lihat nama lain juga(bener gak translate gw),
dia punya hubungan baik dgn staff eAthena yg lain,

Mod,ato International Mod tidak mendapat ijin untuk men tracing IP?

dia itu yg namanya GEGET kan?

jadi intinya dia itu member eAthena,punya kenalan staff eAthena,minta di Ban,orang setengah jepang dan malay,ID lain nya pernah di ban,namanya dia GEGET......

g kaga ngerti ini soal apa tp cm ada satu kalimat yg aneh kl dia itu ngaku ga kenal l

Because shazeya is with you when you have a deal with me. Why bother to point my finger to them (manipulator and davidchak).
Ceritanya adalah begini, msjavax berniat untuk tetap scamming saya, saya mencoba track dia dan melaporkannya kepada shazeya, tetapi ada suatu "kata kunci" yang paling dia bocorkan

I'm not pointing my finger to shazeya frankly.
Saya tidak menunjuk kepada Global moderator shazeya secara kasar.....

Hmm, meski secara garis besarnya bisa diketahui, tetapi, ada alasan tegas bahwa tidak bisa dipungkiri.........

Nota: Saya mencoba untuk membuka pikiran anda ketika ada seseorang kenalan anda mencoba untuk scam kamu ketika kamu menjadi mod, permainan ini seperti sherlock holmes kan? :P
ga ngerti...g lulus english 1 2 3 aja pas2an di kampus..bwakakakakkaak..
jadi intinya yg ngescaming tuh temen lo yah?
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