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Area 51?! Discovering from the Secret .. !!!


IndoForum Banned
No. Urut
1 Jun 2006
Nilai reaksi
Saya tahu, Area 51 sudah lama banget menjadi sebuah tanda tanya besar dikalangan para forumer yang emang giat mempelajari mengenai Science juga. Menjadi sebuah tanda tanya besar tidak hanya bagi kita para forumer, melainkan juga kebanyakan orang ..

Sebenernya apa sih yang ada di Area51?! Apa beneran ada UFO? Atau pengembangan Teknologi nuklir?! Atau persenjataan super milik USA? Atau .... Area Underground di SecurityLounge?! (Jayuz)

Ok ..
Berbicara mengenai Area51 yang sebenarnya ..
Menurut teman teman apa sih Area51 itu??
Apa mgkn isu mengenai Alien di Area51 itu beneran ada?!
Ada yang punya teori sendiri??

Mari kita buka diskusinya disini ..

asal mulanya area 51 kan untuk pengujian pesawat amerika.....
alien hmmm g percaya akan adanya lifeform lain di luar sana tp Alien disembunyikan di area 51 sounds ridicilous, tp sapa tau bener, pemerintah amrik banyak menyimpan misteri.....
klo yg eve prna taw c... area 51 tempatnya UFO /heh
eve c percaya2 aja... eve c da bbrapa x jg tuwh baca crita2 alien yg ktnya kesaksian org gtu... aneh2 smua XD
jd klo dtanya percaya klo alien ituw ad ato ga, eve c percaya tuwh /heh
Area 51 ???
Waduh, baru denger..
Tapi kemaren baru baca katanya underground di SL.. /swt
ternyata itu nama area yg bner2 ada di bumi../swt
Area 51 itu apa sich om thor? isa diceritain sejarah nya gak? coz baru dnger.. /sob
Area 51 ya? /hmm
Mungkin sebuah tempat pengembangan senjata nuklir deh... /heh
Gw sih agak gak yakin juga kalo Area 51 tersebut adalah tempat UFO ato Alien. /heh
Alien atau UFO dan semacam nya mungkin ada tetapi tidak berada dekat galaksi kita atau bumi.....

karena alam semesta itu luas,coba manusia pernah sampe ke galaksi mana???dan berapa planet yg sudah di kunjungi manusia......

karena sejauh ini manusia tidak bisa pergi terlalu jauh ke galaksi lain.....

gw sih gak tau area51....kalo itu ada di bumi kenapa alien nya ngak muncul
ke USA,Canada,Indonesia,SG,Malaysia,dll
apa UFO,Alien bentuk nya spt virus???/hmm

emang area15 apa sich???

kalo pengembangan teknologi nuklir bukan nya dah banyak....
Area 51 (formally known as Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3 and also known as Dreamland, Watertown Strip, Paradise Ranch, The Box, Groom Lake, and The Directorate for Development Plans Area)
terletak di selatan nevada dan dimiliki oleh pemerintahan federal us, mempunyai landasan udara, dan digunakan untuk tempat pengembangan pesawat militer as dan banyak dihubungkan dengan teori UFO
nah lokasi nya dkt las vegas dan kota2 kecil....pasti klo ada UFO banyak yg liat dong...






Area 51 in popular culture

The base is featured in episodes of the television series Sonic X (as Area 99), The Simpsons (area 51A), Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, The X-Files, Taken, Seven Days (Never Never Land), Kim Possible, Tracker, Megas XLR (as Area 50), and Stargate SG-1.

The base is featured in the movies Groom Lake, Looney Tunes: Back in Action (Area 52), Independence Day, the computer and video games Area 51 (console), Area 51, Deus Ex, Duke Nukem 3D, Interstate '82 as Area 49, Tomb Raider III, Rogue Trip, Perfect Dark (Area 51 and Area 52), The Pandora Directive, Twisted Metal 3, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Area 69), Starfox 64 (Area 6, in space) Destroy All Humans! (Area 42), SimCity 4 (Area 5.1). The Black Mesa Research Facility, the setting for much of the computer game Half-Life, resembles Area 51. Division 47, an area of Strangetown in the PSP version of The Sims 2, The Simpsons Road Rage (Area 51A) is modeled after Area 51.

Area 51 is featured in several novels by Dale Brown and is the centerpiece of Robert Doherty's Area 51 novels, which take place after Area 51 scientists make contact with extraterrestrials. Apparent alien technology is stored at "Zone 92" in the Animorphs books. Area 52 is a four-part comic book series from Image Comics.

Area 51 has been used in several role-playing games as a plot element. In the game Conspiracy X, it is a safe facility and base of operations for the players' counter-extraterrestrial operations. On the flip side, in the Call of Cthulhu modern day conspiracy supplement Delta Green, the base is the site of laboratory facilities for studying and intercepting otherworldly beings. The alternate history roleplaying game Deadlands also features an 1880s version of the location called "Fort 51".

Area 51 is the name given to a variety of unrelated products and companies, including a range of computers built by Alienware, the development area for the phpBB forum software, one of the areas of the Geocities web hosting service, an Aprilia motor scooter, and numerous science-fiction bookstores and bulletin boards. An Area 51 / UFO theme was adopted by Laughlin/Las Vegas radio station 107.9 KVGS, which calls itself Area108 and by Sirius Satellite Radio channel "Area 33". The "Flight of Fear" rollercoasters at Paramount's Kings Island and Paramount's Kings Dominion are themed "Area 47".

In 1994, Version 2.0 of the ROM for the Apple Newton personal digital assistant included the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of Area 51 in the Time Zones application as an "Easter egg". This feature was removed (supposedly at the request of the CIA) by applying a software patch, but it remained possible to bypass the patch fairly easily.

The world's largest model railway in Hamburg, Germany features a fictional Area 51 model in its America section (with aliens playing basketball with base personnel).

Area 51 has also been the inspiration for the sci-fi rock musical, Area 51 The Musical.

The tiny town of Rachel, Nevada (the nearest settlement to the base) enjoys minor celebrity status as being "the official home of Area 51". Located three hours from Las Vegas by car, Rachel receives a modest number of visitors year-round, and several small businesses offer food and lodging to visitors, together with aerospace and "alien" themed merchandising. The visitor numbers are swelled yearly with aviation enthusiasts hoping to catch a glimpse of the RED FLAG exercises. A small museum sells maps, photographs, badges, and other Area 51 material, and a local inn, aptly named "The Little A'le'Inn" proudly displays a time capsule received from the production crew of Independence Day.

The minor league baseball team in Las Vegas, Nevada is called the Las Vegas 51s. Their logo includes the image of a "Grey" extraterrestrial.

In the TV series Stargate SG-1 Area 51 is mentioned to be investigating some of the artifacts brought back by the Stargate Teams. Area 51 is visited in the episode Endgame because The Trust appears to have got their hands on one of the Artifacts.
eh, btw ada yg pernah nonton waktu alien diwawancara gak?

kok manusia bisa ngerti sih? emangnya aliennya bisa bhs inggris ya? les dimana tuh??:D:D
tp ko bener ada kyk gitu kenapa pemerintah amrik gak ngumumin truz memberitakan,supaya klo kita diserang ato diculik alien "Grey" bisa mempertahankan diri
menurut aku si yang namanya ufo/alien tu nda ada. Jadi area 51 mungkin bener yang disebutin pemerintah amrik kalo tempat itu untuk uji coba dan pengembangan pesawat. Tapi ya ga tau d....:D
klo menurut gue ga ada tuh UFO ataupun alien karena tidak ada pernah ada bukti otentik yang nyebutin tuh benda secara nyata pernah a d bumi atau tidak /n1
menurut g pasti ada la
gk mgk makhluk idup cuma idup d Bumi aj
pasti d tata surya ato galaksi laen ad makhluk idup laen yg lebh maju teknologi na
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