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Hasil Pencarian

  1. roninex

    english language a cultural invasion?

    Well, for one to be able to truly "give", there must correspondingly be a "receiving" end. It's just tha it is almo cstomry for th "receiver to say that one was simply "given", and that one does not "receive", while, in actuality, one is very "receptive" towards that which was "given". And...
  2. roninex

    is there any people that have ancient yunani drama script ?? share here ...

    Possible keywords My suggestion would be, to try in your regular search engine these possible keywords: "ancient greek drama" "ancient greek fables" "classical greek stories" "classical greek dramas" "greek folktales" Among others. Alternatively, try search under the...
  3. roninex

    Famous People Interviews

    Criss Angel CRISS ANGEL First of all, can you talk a little about the block drop illusion you’ll be doing? Right. Well, Cement Block is something that’ll be starting at 7:30 in the morning. I’ll be encased in a cube less than four feet in diameter. It will hang more than four...
  4. roninex

    Famous People Interviews

    Bill Gates (continue) BILL GATES PLAYBOY: But they'll grow up thinking, Gee, if Dad leaves me some of the money. . . . GATES: I'll make it clear that it'll be a modest amount. PLAYBOY: So you want them to be as self-made as you? GATES: No, that's not the point. The point is that...
  5. roninex

    Famous People Interviews

    Bill Gates (continue) BILL GATES PLAYBOY: Why do some of your critics say you and by extension, Microsoft are not innovative, that you are evolutionary rather than revolutionary? Here's a quote: Bill is just a systems guy who has been able to fund a wider range of me-too applications on the...
  6. roninex

    Famous People Interviews

    Bill Gates BILL GATES A youngish man who looks like a graduate student sits on the door of his unpretentious dormlike room, spooning Thai noodles from a plastic container. His glasses are smudged, his clothes are wrinkled, his hair is tousled like a boy's. But, when he talks, people...
  7. roninex

    Famous People Interviews

    TERA PATRICK why is she famous? The star of almost 50 adult films, including Loose Screw and Nuttin' Hunnies, the popular website ClubTera.com and the former star of Play..boy TV's Night Calls: 411, Tera Patrick is a goddess in her industry who has made a name for herself...
  8. roninex

    Meaning of Quotations?

    What do you think these quotes mean to you personally? And perhaps, how are they applicable in your life, if they are? "The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing." Marcus Aurelius "Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it...
  9. roninex

    Rorschach Tests

    What do you see from the pictures below? PICTURE 1 PICTURE 2 PICTURE 3 PICTURE 4 PICTURE 5
  10. roninex

    english language a cultural invasion?

    Reply Without doubt. Hollywood movies (US-origin) dominate not just this country but the whole world, really. But apart from the fact that it may all be a giant conspiracy-theory-like play by the US. It is also the receptivity of the audience themselves that is enhancing the state of...
  11. roninex

    Your Own Life Transformation

    Opinion & Observation Putting aside "credentials" or "qualifications", here are my opinion on the article: "When a person says that life is not worth living, then this person certainly knows nothing about life. " I think that "life" cannot be easily defined in terms of certain polarities...
  12. roninex

    Funny Translation

    Funny Translation ? #4
  13. roninex

    Funny Translation

    Funny Translation ? #3
  14. roninex

    Funny Translation

    Funny Translation ? #2
  15. roninex

    Funny Translation

    Funny Translation ? #1
  16. roninex

    Tell 'bout yourself in only five words

    1. Probing 2. Irritating 3. Sly 4. Curious 5. Simple
  17. roninex

    Why Indonesian Student Prefer English Than Bahasa !

    Observations In my opinion, a lot of the reluctance in actually using Bahasa Indonesia, or the admitting of liking, and instead resort to English may be due to several reasons, and amongst others: 1. Deep rooted conscious/unconscious feeling of lack of pride in own country. And I don't mean...
  18. roninex

    Let's Make Our Motto !!!!

    Motto "What would you do today if you were to die tomorrow?"
  19. roninex

    City in Indonesia

    Capital - Jakarta Oh yes, our beloved Batavia ... The land of MANY things ... Like almost all other urban centres, there is almost a sense of duality in Jakarta. Many of its inhabitants preach cleanliness and "decency" in everyday lifestyle, yet not little also engage in the otherwise -...
  20. roninex

    City in Indonesia

    South Sumatra - Palembang Just been to Palembang lately. Stayed there for 2 nights. Traveled by car from Jambi (and oh my god how irritatingly exhausting it was). And my observation: There's definitely a sense of pride of the city (large town?) within the hearts of its community. There's...

