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Hasil Pencarian

  1. S

    Mods Versus Rockers: Brighton, 2020

    The mods, with their sharp Italian suits and Parkas, stood out absolutely from the cowhide covered and long-haired rockers. The mods viewed the rockers as antiquated, dirty and oafish, while the rockers viewed the mods as being Cookie Clicker Game feminine, snooty and weedy. There is a...
  2. S

    Top 5 Twisted, Yet Fun Games of All Time

    I have been a video gamer since growing up as a child (harking back to the 1980's), with my first game framework being the great NES, and I have played a wide range of games from that point forward. These games include Battletoads, Super Mario Bros, Sonic, Mega Man, first individual shooter...

