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Hasil Pencarian

  1. D

    Tell 'bout yourself in only five words

    1. Introvert 2. Gamer 3. Friendly 4. Calm 5. Care
  2. D

    How to Properly Greet Someone???

    Well, that's true. We need to know other people's culture before start making a conversation in order to avoid misunderstanding
  3. D

    membantu saya: pembetulan untuk pemotongan msg

    Well, the translation of "Mas, mau ketemuan ga?" should be like this : "Sir, do you want to meet up with me?"
  4. D

    Help me, make a speech with english

    Well, can u make the text in Bahasa first ? After u've made the text in Bahasa, I'll try to help you translate to English Thanks
  5. D

    How to Answer the Phone Politely?

    This is the example of making a phone call from me A : Good Evening, ..... company. May I speak to Mr .... ? B : Good Evening too. Who's speaking there ? A : I am Mr ..... B : Well, I'm afraid Mr.... is not available now. Do you mind to leave message for him ? A : Okay, please tell him to...
  6. D

    [English] Sifat berdasarkan bintang

    SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the...
  7. D

    Need Tutor

    Well, in order to improve your English, there're many ways : 1. Take an English Course 2. Watching the Western Movie with English Subtitles 3. Listening the Western Music with English Lyrics 4. Speak with foreign people on internet 5. Try to practice your English (Tenses, Vocabulary...
  8. D

    Jakarta braces for major flood

    I think the government had tried several ways to stop the flood's disaster But sometimes the Jakarta's citizen always throw their rubbish carelessly although they've been warned multiple times by the government
  9. D

    Trouble with English post here.....

    Well, you can ask them to repeat their sentences slowly. You can use this sentences to ask them repeat their latest sentences "Excuse Me Sir or Madam, Can you repeat your current sentences slowly?" May it helps Thanks
  10. D

    How's Today...^^

    Well, as usual woke up at 6 in the morning, and then took a bath + had a breakfast. After that left to the office for work. Currently still in the office

