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Hasil Pencarian

  1. I

    English - Translation

    Google make this very easy to translate any thing in any language. Google is providing translation. ______________________________ Siding Virginia Beach Siding Norfolk
  2. I

    English Support's Lounge

    Today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education, which, in my...
  3. I

    American Jokes...

    A woman walks into a tattoo parlor. She gets into the chair and tells the tattoo artist, "I want two tattoos, one on each of my inner thighs. I want a turkey on one thigh and a Christmas tree on the other." The tattoo artist begins his work, but is a bit confused, so he says, "Lady, I'll do...

