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Hasil Pencarian

  1. M

    Take the Tail

    This is a good stuff for all that you are doing. But you have to do one thing you will have to keep in mind that things have to keep in mind that always post a clear and meaningful stuff.
  2. M

    English Support's Lounge

    I think this is a very good idea about that you have extra stuff on it. It shows you have extra courage to do that kind of stuff.
  3. M

    American Jokes...

    Who give a smile on the faces of the other people. This is the best things you are doing. I really admire your stuff.
  4. M

    Feedbacks and Complaints About English Support

    English is an international language. Language is a necessary and important part of interaction and conversation. English is a very precise and effective language which enables you to communicate with others.

