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Hasil Pencarian

  1. M

    PESEdit.com 2011 Patch 2.0 + Fix 2.01 - Released! #24/03/11

    Agan-agan yang suka maen PES 2011, nih ane kasih update terbarunya... silakan langsung di donlot... Exact features of each patch version can be found in the readme[/SPOILER] for download here [enterupload]: Download Part 1 Download Part 2 Download Part 3 Download Part 4...
  2. M

    PES2011 Kit Server +LOD Mixer Updated by Juce

    LOD mixer - added ability to enforce picture quality (Low,Medium,High). If your PC has one of the mainstream videocards, then most likely you will not need this feature. However, for some less popular cards, the game (and the settings.exe) may fail to correctly determine their true...

