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Konten Terbaru oleh LoriYagami89

  1. L


    The best feeling in the world is Life Which we all get from God
  2. L

    English Pop Quiz!

    1. I can help myself, thanks 2. I had collected marbles 3. Mr. Calvin was a legendary samurai 4. Bolton Boston Band Group is a famous group band at Boston and New York 5. Atlas is one of the Gods in Greece myth.
  3. L

    Feedbacks and Complaints About English Support

    English is always great language
  4. L

    Help me, make a speech with english

    hmmm..... interesting topic :D
  5. L

    American Jokes...

    No matter how good a fake Australian accent I can do, I will not imitate Steve Irwin during Care of Magical Creatures class.
  6. L

    Name of Indonesian food

    high fat (from coconut) always good
  7. L

    Tell 'bout yourself in only five words

    Intelligent Care Respect Loyalty Gamer
  8. L

    Continue This Story With 5 Words Only...

    Butterfly fly into my face
  9. L

    How's Today...^^

    Am Lori.Yagami Am New Here

